Kelsey meets Jenika!

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"On today's episode we'll discuss 'Magical Beings' and what you can do to protect yourself." The talk-show lady announced

Evelyn, Jenika's mother, was watching her favorite talk show while her daughter was sitting on a bench under the window. Jenika was staring longingly out into what her mother assumed was just space. She was zoned out, staring at nothing. Jenika sighed quietly just wanting to be outside. She was tired of all the crazy "news reports" and talk shows talking about how evil all these magical beings were. Maybe they just wanted to be loved and have a normal life like everyone else!

"Authorities have confirmed there are fairies. How do you keep them out of your house? We have an expert today to tell us. Please welcome to the show Michael Jameson!" The host announced making Jenika roll her eyes in frustration

Evelyn huffed as she shouted at the tv like the host would hear her, "Fairies. How big are they? What do they look like? What kind of weapon should one use if they come across one of these weird freaks? That's what people want to know!"

"Mom, seriously." Jenika said

"What, sweetie?" Evelyn asked, looking over at her daughter

"Why do you watch this crap?" Jenika asked

"What's wrong with this show?"

"Because it's fear-mongering catered to sad people who can't think for themselves!" Jenika countered, "I'm going outside."

"Now just a minute, young lady!" Evelyn exclaimed but her daughter was already out the door

Evelyn sighed, shoulders slumped, as she sat back on their couch. She knew her daughter was different. It was unnatural how fast her reflexes were or how she could run faster than most other people. Her daughter had physical strength that she, honestly, shouldn't have. Evelyn hated to admit it, but she was afraid her daughter wasn't entirely human.

What parent wanted to call in their own child? Although Evelyn didn't know how the authorities interrogated these magical beings, she was afraid of what they'd do to her daughter. It was a dilemma she didn't want to have. Another news cast came on giving vague descriptions of things to look out for since several Supernaturals could walk around looking like humans. With a sigh, Evelyn picked up the phone.

Jenika had come back inside since it was about to rain. She didn't see her mother, so she headed into her room. The doorbell rang and she heard her mother call out that she'd answer it.

"Yes, she's here. She's in her room." She heard her mother state

Something about that statement made Jenika very uneasy. Her heart began beating faster and she felt her body begin to shake.

"We'll take good care of her." She heard a female voice state

Jenika closed her eyes and willed herself to be a small mouse. She darted behind her bedroom door when she heard footsteps. There were two people she didn't recognize alongside her mother. Jenika squeezed her mouse-body underneath the door and ran along the baseboard to the living room. If she could get to the living room, she could get out of the house.

"She was in here. Maybe she went to the bathroom." Evelyn frowned

Jenika had just opened the door to the backyard when the trio entered the living room.

"There she is! Get her!" The woman exclaimed

"Jenika! Wait!" Evelyn called out

"We'll have someone stay here in case she comes back." The male stated

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