Practical experience

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A/N: When I was trying to describe "the river scene", this is what I was thinking of, maybe without the "horses" IN the river though.  Watch from about 1:45-2:35/2:40

Chance remained by Tim's side the whole time he was healing from being electrocuted. The satyr waited on his soulmate hand and foot which amused the wizard greatly. Everything seemed to be healing ok, according to Luke and Bill so on the fourth day, he was given the go-ahead to go back to training. He was greeted cordially by everyone when he came down to breakfast and he greeted everyone happily.

Nate was still feeling bad but Chance had reassured him Tim wasn't mad at him and Kevin kept reassuring him that it was just a freak accident. Austin made sure to not make jokes about Tim getting fried like bacon, especially after what happened when he poked fun at the wizard for his lack of ability to teleport. He had learned his lesson! As Chance and Sami were cleaning up from breakfast, Sam and Maialen stopped by.

"Good morning, Maialen! It's nice to see you again." Kevin smiled at her.

"Morning. I have a little information you might be interested in." Maialen got straight to the point.

"They are conducting experiments on the magical beings they capture to find out their weaknesses to exploit them. They're making weapons specifically designed for each type of being." Maialen told them.

"That doesn't bode well for us." Kevin sat back in his chair, brows pulled together, rubbing his chin.

"From what I'm gathering, they're trying to create something to protect themselves from magical being influence but haven't come up with anything yet." She went on to say.

"That's good for us then. Do they even know what abilities most of these magical beings have?" Kevin asked.

"I haven't been able to dig very far into their files yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do." Maialen smiled.

"Thank you so much for letting me know." Kevin once again smiled at her.

"It's my pleasure. I'll be sure to bring any information I get as soon as I get it." Maialen smiled up at the much taller man, "I need to get to work, Sam."

"Yes, Ma'am." He returned her smile, "I'll be back."

In an instant the pair were off. Kevin just laughed as he sat there sipping his coffee. They were working, again, with the group exercise and using the Linkshells. Bill was trying to come up with another exercise that would help them utilize their skills in more of a combat situation without anyone actually getting hurt. The more experience they got, the better prepared they'd be.

Luke and Sam, after he came back, sat around and tried to think of ways to make that happen. They all needed some combat experience without hurting anyone. Something that would fight back semi-intelligently so the group could really get a feel for how to use their skills and abilities. It was a conundrum they were having a hard time figuring out!

One night after dinner, Kevin had a feeling there were magical beings trapped. He had to go rescue them and make sure they were alright. As he was getting ready to leave, his housemates noticed and called out to him.

"Got a hot date, Kevin?" Austin chuckled.

"There are a few magical beings that are trapped. I'm going out to rescue them before the Suits show up to take them back to their headquarters." Kevin told the group.

"How many are out there?" Tim inquired.

"I believe four."

"Do you need help?" Tim asked

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