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A/N: This is probably gonna be kinda short. Sorry :/

Kevin had gone out to every group and explained their battle plan. It eased their minds to know they'd be doing this at night when there was less chance of getting caught. He gave out linkpearls so everyone could keep in contact with him. Maialen was working overtime in doing research on each of the higher-ups in the organization and deciding who needed to be "taken care of" and who didn't.

Other than the peons on the bottom of the ladder, so to speak, it would seem everyone in this organization were evil and filled with hate towards their kinds. She wrote down everyone's addresses and who they were in the company. A van had been rented in an alias name and was being outfitted with equipment so she could help with the IT side of things for the magical beings.

Once Maialen knew who all they were attacking, she gave the information to Sam who in turn gave it to Kevin. He and Sam went around to each of the small groups to discuss who would be attacking which target. There was only one soothsayer they had come across and Kevin pulled her aside to talk to her specifically.

"Herra, before I get into why I wanted to talk to you, I want to say I'm not asking you to leave your pack." Kevin started out making her tilt her head.

"Uh, ok."

"You are the only soothsayer I have come across. Would you join my group for this battle? Only for this battle, we could really use someone who might be able to tell us our enemies moves and tactics." He stated.

"I don't know." Herra replied, suspicious of his intentions.

"I simply want as many advantages over our enemy as we can get. You can see into the future, correct? (Herra nodded her head yes) You could possibly tell us their movements if they decided to call in reinforcements or attack us from somewhere else. That's all I'm asking." Kevin explained.

"Won't I be in harm's way?" She asked.

"We'll all be in harm's way in some way or another." He retorted, "But you'll be with a very powerful wizard. He won't let anything happen to you, I assure you."

"Well, ok. I'll have to talk to Seath but I'm there." She smiled at him.

"Thank you." Kevin returned her smile.

He went on to speak to other groups about who their target was and help them develop their strategy for their attack. Things were shaping up slowly. The night had not quite been chosen. They wanted to make sure everyone had their targets and their strategies down before going into attack mode. Kevin's large group would be taking down the Suits' headquarters and Stane himself. Every other group would be going after his little minions.


There was a small part of Adam that wanted to go after his brother. When Maialen had gone over with Kevin who each of the department heads were, Adam's head snapped up. Hearing his own brother was the head of the research and development, the one that came up with all the torture devices and methods, made him sick to his stomach. It worried Avi when he'd rushed out of the room. When Adam finally confessed why he suddenly felt ill, Avi just pulled his soulmate into his arms and promised the blond he had a new, loving, understanding family now.

"Nate, can you blow away all their vehicles? Like you did when you had your first encounter with them?" Kevin asked bringing Adam out his reverie.

"Sure. The wizards may need to make sure nothing else gets damaged. My winds are pretty powerful." Nate chuckled.

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