Centaurs and Fairies and Vampires, Oh My!

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"How do you control when you transform?" Austin asked as they were standing outside in the yard

"It takes time. It takes a conscious effort." Kevin simply stated


"You just need practice, you need to learn patience. I promise you, you can learn to control it. When you learn to control when you transform, you'll also start to learn how to control your instincts." Kevin explained

"Uh, ok. So how do I start?" Austin asked with a slight huff

Kevin did his best to explain how to control transforming to the skeptical young man. Rob tried to help, as well, when Kevin didn't seem to be making sense to their young fairy friend. Austin was getting very frustrated which amused both his companions. Rob had been with Kevin for six months before he was really able to control himself. The Centaur was starting to think it may take Austin even longer.

The days went on but as Austin began to practice actively trying to transform, he was getting better. He still transformed unintentionally but that was just one more thing to work on. Rob was sure when he was still learning, he was just as aggravated as Austin was at the moment. It's not like learning your colors, ABC's, or how to eat with a fork. This was a whole other ballgame. You're having to learn how to control a beast within you.

Kevin made frequent trips "out" to search for any magical beings that needed help. Most of the time he came home alone but happy. He always said that was a good thing because it meant no beings had been trapped. Sometimes he was too late in getting there to help. Rob could tell that hurt Kevin. The Vampire had a big heart. The newscasts were getting increasingly vicious towards Supernaturals.

Austin was working on controlling his transformations. He wanted to change whenever he wanted. Although he wasn't planning on staying permanently when he awoke in the strange house, he found himself becoming attached to Rob and Kevin. For the first time since he could remember, he felt like he had friends. Honest friends. They embraced his "weirdness". They laughed when he did stuff to make them laugh.

He felt accepted in the group. Despite being a "supernatural being", he felt wanted. As much as Austin didn't want to admit it, he was liking the idea of staying here permanently more and more. The newscasts were terrifying. The idea that anyone could accuse you of being a magical being and then getting hauled away was petrifying. At least here, he was safe from all that. He had a nice home to live in, secure woods to roam around in, a beautiful stream, friends, and he didn't have to worry about a thing.

Weeks had gone by and Austin was still having some troubles with controlling his transformations although he was much better at it. Neither Rob nor Kevin ever got mad at him for his pranks. Rob thought it was kind of endearing. In human form, they liked playing board and card games together. They'd spend time outside playing badminton, frisbee, tossing a football around, playing a sad game of baseball, and any other outdoor types of activities. They enjoyed being outside and one another's company.

Kevin loved having the two of them stick around. He'd been alone for way too long! When he had been "turned", or "made" into a Vampire, he had a storm of emotion inside about it. He was young enough to understand the gravity of what had happened to him but he wasn't "old enough" yet to fully understand what a gift he'd been given. As he "got older", the phrase always making him chuckle, he began to understand that as a virtually immortal being, he could do lots of good in the world.

He decided to be 'good' and do good things. He wanted to help those that needed it. Kevin had always had a kind heart. That was just his nature. Being 'immortal', he was able to help thousands of people over the years. Whether it was pulling an unconscious man out of his over-turned car on a slick or icy road, performing CPR on a hunter deep in the woods when no one else was around, or even pulling someone from a body of water when they couldn't swim. Kevin felt it was his duty to help. If he had a gift, he would be selfish to not use it, right?

Rob was grounded in warmth, rationality and generosity. He had a desire to make a difference in the world. The jolly Centaur just mostly wanted to live a carefree life of joy and pleasure. Helping Kevin with distraught magical beings made him feel like he was helping. Rob's generosity never failed to make Kevin proud. Being able to freely roam the grounds, enjoying nature and cold beer, satisfied his desires for a carefree life. He felt his life was pretty balanced and that made him feel very content.

Rob liked helping with Austin. The fairy made him laugh even when he was frustrated. Sometimes Kevin had a hard time explaining things and Rob added in his two cents. He understood the confusion, the fear, and the disbelief. Who would understand that the person they thought they were, wasn't really true? It was hard to comprehend the words 'you're a magical being out of a fairy tale'. It was also a bit scary to find out your savior is a Vampire!

Rob liked Austin because had someone to run through the woods with, to enjoy nature with who truly enjoyed it too. Austin had a deep connection to nature. He loved spending hours on end simply frolicking outdoors, appreciating the sights, sounds and smells of the earth. Rob and Austin spent a lot of time together outside. Kevin knew their kinds weren't usually friends, but he liked seeing the pair together loving nature and enjoying the company.

Austin loved dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughter. Despite his trickster streak, he did have a heart of gold. The beautiful young man was more than willing to help out any creature in need just as Kevin was. Kevin noted he was a very happy, sprightly creature. Austin definitely livened up the fortress!

One afternoon, there came a powerful thunderstorm. Rob and Austin rushed back to the house, not wanting to get caught out in the downpour. Kevin was watching the local news when the pair entered the house.

"Although we'll be receiving some much-needed rain, we do seem to have several severe thunderstorms coming our way, back-to-back. Flooding is expected in low-lying areas."

"I guess we won't be able to go outside for a while, huh?" Austin frowned

"Doesn't look that way, buddy." Kevin replied with a shrug

"More magical beings have been brought to the FBI for questioning. Local authorities are convinced the string of robberies are the work of these creatures...."

"Why'd you turn off the tv?" Austin asked

"I'm tired of hearing this nonsense." Kevin frowned, "If it started snowing in Texas in July or if volcanoes started spewing out quarters magical creatures would be blamed." Kevin retorted

"Do you think there's any more creatures out there?" Rob asked, "That need help, I mean?"

"There's always creatures who need help. I'll probably go out a little more while it's pouring rain." Kevin stated, "That much rain has the potential to be disastrous for some creatures if they get caught in traps."

"Austin and I will make sure there's rooms cleaned and prepared just in case. Do we have enough medical supplies? Food?" Rob asked

"I'll go make a list of things we might need." Kevin smiled as he stood up, "Hopefully we don't need anything. I'd hate for Kirstie, Esther, or Scott to have to get out in the coming mess just for me."

"For us. We live here too." Rob smiled warmly at the Vampire

Unfortunately, they were needing more supplies. Kevin sighed, hating the idea that his friend Kirstie would have to be out in this mess. She told him she didn't mind and that it was always a pleasure seeing him. His next call was to another acquaintance he'd made named Scott. Kevin got quite a bit of his groceries delivered. Mostly meats, non-perishable items (flour, sugar, toilet paper, paper towels, etc), and cleaning supplies. His final call was to his good friend Esther who owned her own farm. Kevin got all his fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts from her. He paid extra to have her deliver to him.

A/N: If you like the story so far, please vote, comment, and add it to your library! It makes my world go round :D

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