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The following morning, Olena and Kelsey began talking about how Austin and Rob put together a romantic evening for them. Kevin had a hard time suppressing his smile to hear how they had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the things that had been put together for them. He also knew that the two men probably wouldn't talk about it as publicly as the women but seeing them glowing told him all he really needed to know.

Chance and Adam were cleaning up from breakfast, as requested by Kevin, when Chance finally asked his friend what he wanted to know.

"Did Avi put something together for you?" Chance inquired.

"Yes. Did Tim?"

"He did. He even played guitar and sang for me!" Chance beamed, "I really didn't know he could sing so well. He could make a living a singer, Adam. He's that good. Such sweet love songs, he sang too."

"Aww. That's so sweet. Sounds kind of what Avi did for me. He can play guitar and sing too which I didn't know. The chocolate dipped strawberries were a nice touch." Adam smiled.

"Oh yeah. Flowers may be kind of girl-ish, but they were really pretty and it was the sentiment that got me." Chance nodded in agreement.

"I don't even know how he knew blue was my favorite color!" Adam chuckled.

"Right?" Chance sighed, "It was such a wonderful evening. I think he's finally accepted things. And, he bottomed last night."

"Really? Wow. I didn't think he would." Adam's eyes widened slightly.

"Me either. I read a book Avi suggested we read so I was more prepared than we were our first time together. I didn't really give him much choice, hehe." Chance explained (Adam laughed knowing exactly what book Avi had referred Chance to), "I tried some things I read which seemed to make things easier for him. It was still a magical night."

"Avi had me bottoming too, last night. We were trying some crazy sex positions that when Tim gets up to being adventurous, you guys should try!" Adam smiled while they finished up with the kitchen.

"Oh really? Hmm. Where did you learn about these?" Chance inquired.

"There's a book in the library he found. I'll get the name of it for you later." Adam winked as Jenika came in to get some water.

Chance and Kelsey had to get back to their hand-to-hand combat training with John. Adam and Avi were doing their dragon thing. The faeries were working on their Mesmer ability while Rob was working on his stun. Nate was working with Bill on controlling his weather. Sami was working with Luke on what she had discovered was an ability called "Plant Manipulation".

"Ok, I know you can make plants grow around you. I want to see just what all you can do. Let's go into the forest and work, shall we?" Luke smiled at her.

"I don't know what I'm doing, though." She looked up at him.

"This is why you practice. You hone your skills. You master them. When the time comes and you need to fight, you will be able to hold your own and not only survive but win." Luke explained as they walked towards the edge of the forest.

"I hope you're right. I mean, I've always had this...weird love with water. We used to live right on the beach and every spare moment I had, that's where I was." She explained as they walked along.

"Hmm. Sounds more like you're a water nymph yet you have wood and plant nymph abilities also. That's strange." Luke's eyebrows furrowed together as he pondered aloud what she told him.

"Is that good or bad?"

"Neither I guess. Forget I said anything about it. Let's see what you can do with plant life!" He looked down at her and smiled.

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