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A/N: I want to give a special shout-out to ObsessedwithTidam  for this idea!

Tim was looking at what appeared to be a half-star on the inside of his left thumb. It tingled occasionally and he rubbed it when it did. He was thankful Adam and Avi weren't all over the house making out like Austin and Olena did. The blond and brunette couple sat together, they held hands, they might even kiss one another on the cheek, but they were never making out in front of everyone like horny teenagers. 'At least they have some decency' Tim thought as his eyes darted over to the once-again-making-out couple.

'I'll never find my soul mate living in this fortress.' Tim sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. Kevin calling Tim's name brought the wizard out of his depressing thoughts. He was glad to get out of the living room and away from the fairy couple! Kevin was wanting help in making dinner and Tim happily agreed. The wise, old vampire could tell Tim was a bit depressed about something, but he didn't want to probe the young man.

Later that evening, Tim was talking with Jenika, who was sitting on his left, about music and playing instruments. Chance, who was sitting on Tim's right, was chatting with Austin about fishing. Jenika had gotten up to use the restroom, was walking backwards so she and Tim could still talk until she was out of the dining room, so Tim turned his body to the right.

Rob had caught Chance's attention, so the bearded man slightly turned his body towards the Centaur. He reached for the pepper shaker at the same time Tim did. Their thumbs came into contact briefly. It shocked them like they had been hit with a volt of electricity, sparks flying everywhere. Both men flew off their chairs, which fell backwards, and they hit the wall behind them.

"Oh my God! Are you ok?" Kelsey immediately questioned as everyone got up from their seats to check on the two brunettes.

"What the hell happened?" Austin inquired as he looked between the pair.

"Tim?" Kevin knelt down to check Tim over.

Tim seemed dazed for a bit before he slowly snapped out of it. Kevin smiled seeing Tim looking at him with a raised brow. Adam was checking on Chance who seemed to be out.

"Is he ok?" Kevin looked over at Adam.

"I think so. It looks like he's coming around." Adam glanced over at Tim briefly.

They waited until Chance was fully awake and able to speak. He was a bit dazed at what happened to them.

"Did body parts touch?" Kevin looked between the pair.

"Yeah. My left hand." Tim looked down, embarrassed.

"It was my right hand." Chance furrowed his brows.

"Let me see them." Kevin quietly said as Jenika returned.

"What's going on?" The blond woman asked.

Olena got her up to speed. Everyone gathered around as Kevin told each man to show him their hands. They looked at one another and shrugged before doing as they were asked. Kevin looked between them before taking each by their wrists and putting their thumbs together. Instantly the lines on their thumbs began to glow a sparkly gold color before floating up off their appendages. Three inches above their thumbs formed a flute.

Tim cautiously looked over at Chance who was still staring at the flute floating off their fingers. Kevin's words rang in Chance's head: "Two magical beings have just found their soulmate." It was so shocking, literally in their case, that he could hardly believe what he was seeing with his own eyes. Surely his soulmate wasn't another man? He turned his head and found Tim staring at him. Those brown eyes looking at him. Staring. Boring into his very soul.

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