Down to this

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A/N: I'm sorry this is so chaotic. It was kind of meant to be but my thoughts were all over the map as I was trying to write and think of where people would be and what would be going on where :/

The time had come. Kevin reached out to everyone who had agreed to be apart of the pre-emptive strike. Each small group were ready to go. They were well-rested and well-fed. He and Sam had gone out that morning delivering home-made food to everyone to make sure they had the strength to fight. They had gone over the strategy and plans one last time. Sam and Kevin had cooked a big breakfast and a big dinner for everyone. Now it was just waiting for nightfall.

"Baby, I love you so much. You have enriched my life more than I ever thought possible. I know I was an ass at first. Giving in was the best decision I ever made." Tim pulled Chance into his arms and buried his face in his soulmate's neck, "God, I love you. You have to make it through this. You have to come back to me."

"I love you too, Tim. No matter what, you made my life better, too. We will come back, together." Chance rested his hand over Tim's heart.

"Thanks for never giving up on me."

"You were worth the wait." Chance chuckled.

"I hope so. Lord knows I didn't deserve what I put you through." Tim sighed.

"You were worth it, Tim." Chance whispered, "Make me proud tonight baby. I will do my best to make you proud."

"Adam...there's...there's so many things I want to say to you but I can't seem to find the words." Avi stared into the blue eyes he'd come to love drowning in, "Saying I love you just doesn't to be enough. I need you as much as I need oxygen. I want you as much as I want bar-b-que..."

"I love you so much, Avi. You have fulfilled me in ways I never dreamed of. I never really thought about my sexuality one way or the other. I guess that's why I accepted you as my soulmate so quickly." Adam pulled the brunette into his arms, "There are no words for how much you mean to me, my emerald. We may have to rest and get some sleep when we return but we have our own little victory celebration at some point."

"As long as you're by my side, Adam, nothing else matters." Avi sighed before inhaling his lover's scent.

"We are a team and we will fight as a team." Adam squeezed the smaller man.

"As long as we come back together. Without you, there's no point in living, baby." Avi clung to his soulmate and tried to fight the tears.

"Rob?" Kelsey called out.

"Yes, sweetheart." He looked over at his soulmate.

"I love you. Deeply. I don't know what's going to happen. I trust in our comrades. I trust in our abilities. I trust in us." She looked down at her hands, "But in case things don't go as we planned, I want you to know how much I truly love and cherish you."

"Kelsey, I've always had these strange lines on my foot. No one else did and it made me feel like an oddball at times. Then I came here and started hearing others talking about their weird lines in weird places. When Austin and Olena discovered they were soulmates and Kevin explained to us what that meant, it gave me hope.

A hope that I hadn't realized had all but burnt out. Who would love me? Some chunky, nerdy, non-human? Then you and Jenika showed up. I was instantly attracted. You just have this effect on me. (His face tinted) When you wanted to talk to me about our lines and said you had them on your foot too, I got excited.

Then I began to panic. What if our lines didn't match up? That meant you were someone else's soulmate! It would have broken my heart if that had been the case. As soon as our feet touched and that warm feeling began radiating, my whole world lit up. It was because of you. I didn't realize how gray my world was until that very moment.

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