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The next morning Tim groaned. Chance was already awake and just laying there holding his soulmate. He'd been running his finger's through Tim's hair as the wizard was sleeping. Tim's eyes began to slowly open and he realized for once he was cuddling with his soulmate. He looked up at said man to find him just staring back at him with a small smile.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Chance's soft voice asked.

"Like I've run a 100-mile marathon. I'm so tired." Tim's brows furrowed together, "What time is it?"

"It's morning sometime. I don't think anyone else is quite awake yet. Kevin might be but I don't think that guy ever sleeps!" Chance laughed, "You slept pretty much all day after you demonstrated your force field. I had hell waking you up last night so you could eat dinner. Do you remember that?"

The look on Tim's face told Chance the answer, "No. The last thing I really remember was focusing on the field. Then I felt...strange. Almost...well, I can't even describe it. Exhausted isn't a strong enough word."

"Feel like you can walk downstairs and sit up while I make some coffee?" Chance asked.

"If I've been laying in bed most of the day, I'm sure getting up will do me some good." Tim replied, "Thanks for staying with me."

"Honey, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Chance kissed his forehead be sliding out from under the slightly taller man.

He went to use the restroom then slip into his pj bottoms. When he exited the bathroom, he found Tim sitting on the edge of the bed. He was worried but Tim said he was fine, just tired still, and didn't want to move too fast for fear of getting dizzy. Chance picked up Tim's pj bottoms and had them laying on the bed by the time the wizard exited the bathroom. Chance kept his arm around his lover's shoulder as they slowly made their way downstairs.

Kevin was already up and a pot of coffee was made and waiting.

"Good morning, Tim! How are you feeling today?" Kevin asked when he turned and saw the pair.

"Extremely tired. It's hard to explain." Tim replied, shoulders slumping as he spoke.

"I'm working on breakfast now. Luke says you should probably take it easy the next day or so." Kevin nodded at the pair.

"Thanks." Tim smiled at the vampire, "How big do you think that field was? Or am I just a weak-ass wizard?"

Kevin laughed making both men stare at him.

"Tim, you are anything but weak. I think that force field had to have been pretty damned big for you to still feel this exhausted after sleeping nearly all day and all night." Kevin explained, "Bill will help you work on them when you're feeling better. For now, just rest up and get back to your normal, sassy self."

"You sit down, I'll help Kevin with breakfast. Need a refill on coffee?" Chance asked earning a head shake from Tim.

As people began to filter downstairs, they all asked how Tim was feeling. His usual response was a shoulder shrug and "Still exhausted" making Chance pat his knee under the table. Austin could barely look in Tim's direction, Kevin noticing the faery's behavior, as he ate breakfast. Tim ate, slowly, but didn't talk unless he was asking for something. The vampire wanted Bill to look him over and so they could talk about why he was still feeling so tired.

As Bill teleported in, Kevin was quick to make his way over. He didn't want to alarm anyone but he, too, was worried about tired Tim was. Bill smiled and said he'd talk with the young wizard. Everyone else went about their business. Either frolicking or trying to master abilities.

"Good morning, Tim. How are you feeling today?" Bill cheerfully asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Exhausted isn't a strong enough's like..." Tim trailed.

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