Dream or Vision?

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Kevin entered Adam's room and found the blond sitting up rubbing his face.

"Hey there. Do you feel like coming downstairs to eat?" Kevin asked

"Uh, maybe." Adam said

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, kneeling by the side of the bed

"I'm in pain...." Adam trailed

"Why don't I help you downstairs. You can meet the others and get a good meal into your belly." Kevin said as he started to unhook the IV line, "If you're feeling up to it after dinner, I'll answer any questions you have. If you don't, I'll help you back up here and you can get some more rest."

"Ok. A nice, hot meal does sound good right now." Adam said, shyly

Kevin helped the taller man to his feet. Adam felt weak but Kevin reassured him that was normal. They slowly walked downstairs with Kevin being very mindful of Adam's injury. Rob was pouring glasses of sweet tea for everyone when Kevin and Adam walked in.

"Hey, he's awake!" Rob smiled

Kevin helped Adam sit down before sitting down himself.

"I'm Rob! What's your name?" Rob asked, as he brought glasses to the dining table


"It smells wonderful in here. Kevin, you are spoiling us!" Tim grinned

"The tall brunette with the light beard is Tim. The thin man with the reddish-brown hair is Austin. The brunette with the fuller beard is Chance. You've met Rob and you know me." Kevin said, introducing everyone

"Where's Olena?" Austin asked making Tim smirk

"She'll be down in a minute or two." Chance replied

"How are you feeling?" Tim inquired, looking at the pale blond

"Pained. Lots of pain. And tired." Adam replied

"I bet. That was one hell of a spear they pulled out of you." Tim retorted

"I haven't had 'the talk' with him yet. I don't think he's up for that since he's still healing up." Kevin explained

"Oh! He's up and about! Hi there! I'm Olena!" The brunette woman said as she bounced into the dining room, "What's for dinner?"

"Hi, I'm Adam." He said

"Homemade chicken and dumplings!" Austin said, bouncing in his seat

"Yummy!" She replied, sitting down

Adam and Kevin remained quiet throughout dinner. The others were happily chatting away which didn't bother either man. Kevin was doing his best to get Adam to eat as much as he could. Adam was feeling tired already even though he wanted to stay up and get his questions answered. Seeing their newest guest fighting to keep his eyes open, Rob said that he and Olena would clean up from dinner. Kevin thanked the pair as he helped Adam stand up.

Kevin walked slowly knowing Adam was in pain and very sleepy. Once they made it to Adam's room, he helped the blond get back in his bed. Kevin hooked the IV back up. Groaning in pain, Adam moved around in his bed to get a little more comfortable. The pain in his side was getting to him, but somehow, he'd drifted into an uncomfortable sleep after Kevin gave him a little pain medicine.

Something caught his attention. It was silver and shiny. A metal cuff. It was clamped around a green leg. He saw blood, too, but it wasn't necessarily from a direct wound.

Green. The most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen. Green eyes that were now dull and tear-filled. Green. Large green scales that shimmered in the sun light emeralds.

Trees. Tall and majestic. Their shadows covered the ground like a canopy. The trees made it difficult to search for things. For people. For beings. The trees gave good cover for hiding.

Adam felt it. He felt the intense anxiety. He felt the intense fear. He felt the worry of being found. He felt the fear of not being found. The blond wasn't sure where it was coming from because he felt almost at peace.

Pains. Hunger pains. He felt the grumble of a long-empty stomach. He felt the parched mouth. He felt the body shaking.

Adam felt helpless. He wanted to help. No matter how close he got to the giant green being, he could never get close enough to help.

Adam felt the fight leaving, the desire to live long gone. Adam cried.

Kevin had come in to check on Adam a few hours later. Adam was crying in his sleep. Upon seeing the state the blond was in caused him to become concerned. His heart rate was way up. His blood pressure was dropping drastically. Kevin took his temperature and was shocked to see that he was not running a fever.

"Hey buddy, calm down. You're safe. It's alright." Kevin softly said in the hopes Adam could hear him as he changed out the saline bag

He was still crying. With his left hand, he was clutching at his chest and with his right he was clutching the bedding. 'Is he having a nightmare?' Kevin thought as he took Adam's vitals again. They were still high. 'Is he in pain?' Kevin thought broodingly. He decided to give him a little pain medicine to ease Adam's pain some.

The pain medicine seemed to be working because Adam was settling back down. Kevin sighed hating to see anyone, human or supernatural, in pain. Twice a day, Kevin had Tim come in with him to check out the blonde's injuries. He'd received enough blood through transfusions, and his body was finally starting to heal.

Tim said he slept so much because that's how his body was healing. How much Adam was sleeping was the reason Kevin kept the IV in his arm. To make sure he received enough fluids to not get dehydrated while he healed. It was also easier to give him pain medicine and antibiotics through the IV when he was sleeping. Not only did he not have to wake Adam up, but getting medicine through an IV got the medicine into his system much faster.

Kevin stood up and just observed the blond. By all accounts, he was a good-looking fella. Honey blond hair that fell past his shoulders. Barely noticeable angled blonde eyebrows above a squared face. Slight hook shaped nose above full, pink lips. Light stubble along his jaw line to a softly squared chin. His skin looked to be on the pale side as if he didn't spend much time out in the sun. If it weren't the pained groans, the young man would look like he was sleeping peacefully.

A/N: Oooh, was Adam dreaming or having a vision? Dun Dun Duuuun! If I haven't scared you off yet, please vote and comment below! Much love :D

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