Meeting Avi

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A week had passed and everyone were diligently trying to work on their magical abilities. Some were having more success than others. Everyone were always encouraging and tried to be uplifting. Kevin finally coaxed Avi out of his room by telling him that getting up and walking around would help in his recovery. The small brunette still felt weak but did as he was asked. Kevin walked him downstairs, being sure to keep an arm around the smaller man's waist, and to the front door. Avi looked at his companion strangely, wondering why they were at the door.

"You've been cooped up in that room for weeks. Getting some fresh air and sunshine will do you some good as we walk around." Kevin smiled as if he knew what Avi had been thinking.

It was true, Avi hadn't left his room since he was brought in. He didn't even know how long he'd been there before he woke up. As soon as they stepped onto the porch, Avi was squinting his eyes. 'It's so damned bright out here!' he frowned. Kevin chuckled at Avi's expression.

"You'll get used to the light again. It just takes a little time." Kevin told him.

Avi wasn't so sure but as they slowly walked around to the side of the fortress, Avi was able to see better. He hated to admit it but being outside was making him slightly better. Luke was working with Tim on something so Kevin decided to not bother them. The sword master Kevin had called on was here working with Chance. They stopped to watch the pair jousting for a few minutes. Kevin finally urged Avi forward. They came upon the Centaur and Cervitaur chasing one another and quickly dodging objects as if they were in a barrel race.

It was then that Avi's eyes landed on it. Kevin glanced over at him to see the smile creeping up on Avi's face. The young man was in utter disbelief at what he was seeing. There, before him, was a magnificent blue dragon. It was such a gorgeous blue that Avi couldn't tear his eyes away from it. 'I always knew dragons were real!' he thought as his hands began playing with the hem of his shirt. He wanted so badly to go over and just touch it!

Kevin nudged Avi once more but this time they were walking towards the dragon. Avi's heart began to beat faster as the got closer and closer to it. 'Is this thing friendly? Is he going to eat us?' Avi thought. When they were about twenty feet away, the blue dragon lifted his head then spewed out a river of water. Somehow the water went straight into the stream that flowed all over the property.

"I assure you, he's friendly. Everyone here is. All they're doing is trying to learn their abilities and master them. It takes patience and lots and lots of practice. Especially when you're still learning to control your transmorphing." Kevin explained.

"He's...he's just gorgeous! It's almost like he's shimmering in the sunlight." Avi blurted out before he could stop himself.

The flush that rose to his cheeks were not lost on Kevin nor the dragon who was watching the pair intensely.

"May I...touch him?" Avi looked between Kevin and the dragon.

"That's his choice, not mine." Kevin chuckled, "You'll never know unless you walk over to him."

Avi swallowed the lump in his throat before cautiously walking to where the dragon was laying. The beast lifted his head and cocked it to the side as if to silently ask 'Who are you and what do you want?'. Avi's hand was shaking as he slowly lifted it towards the dragon. With a snort, the dragon lowered its head and moved it closer to Avi. The young man jumped back making Kevin laugh. Avi finally walked back up to the dragon and gently laid his hand on its head.

"You are so beautiful." Avi exclaimed, "I always knew dragons were real but no one ever believed me. I've dreamed of dragons my whole life. I've seen shadows of them but no one ever believed that either. Oh, you are such a magnificent creature."

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