"I'd like to see you try!" I challenged.

"Well there is only open space and opportunity," Stewart said unfazed.

"Stewart please don't," Zoey said as she reached for his arm.

"Really Zoe! So this is how it is! You want him now! I make one mistake and you write me off!" I said.

"Don't you dare try to guilt her or intimidate her! Leave her alone," Stewart said.

"You know what fuck this!" I said as I turned my back to them and headed back to my car.

I walked to my car and heard heels following me.

"Zoey!" I heard Stewart calling after her.

I unlocked my car and felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and Zoey was there.

"Here," she said handing me her car keys.

"What's this?" I asked.

"The keys to the G-Wagon. I don't want it," Zoey said.

"Is this you saying you don't want me either?" I asked.

"Caleb what happened last night scared me! I can't be with a man that will psychically assault me then act like nothing happened! You flipped a switch and were so different. I've never seen that side of you before and I didn't like it," Zoey said.

"I was wrong I have already admitted that," I said.

"Well here are your keys," she said.

"I don't want the keys...." I said as I closed her hand around them.


"Can we go somewhere?" I asked.

"No," she said.

"Zoe I'm sorry... didn't you get my messages?" I asked.

"Yeah I go them. You blew up my phone," she said with a slight smile.

"Because I'm sorry. Zoe I didn't mean to snap like that on you. I was wrong and I promise it won't ever happen again," I said.

"I have a business trip that I'll be on for the next five days... maybe when I get back we can talk," Zoey said.

"I'd like that... can I pick you up from the airport?" I asked.

"Sure," she said.

"Ok... well until then I'll give you space," I said.

"Thanks," she said.

I opened my car door and got inside.

Zoey stood back and I started the engine.

I pulled out of the parking spot hoping Zoey and I could salvage our relationship once she got back.

Zoey P.O.V.

"I can't believe you're just giving him another chance," Stewart said as we sat together.

After the whole scene with Caleb in the parking lot at work Stewart decided we needed to take the day off.

We drove around a little bit then by lunch time he took me to this restaurant. He got us a booth in the back that was kind of private.

"I'm not giving him another chance. I told him about the business trip and he agreed to give me some space," I said.

"You should have ended it with him. A woman never deserves to be abused by anyone let alone a man," Stewart said.

"Stewart I'm fine. Caleb is sorry from what I can tell. Besides I think he was kind of scared of you in the parking lot," I said.

"Well I would have kicked his ass if he even took a step towards you aggressively," Stewart said.

"Thanks for defending my honor," I smiled.

"Zoey you're young but special. I see so much potential in you. I don't know why you'd want to be mixed up in something with a guy like Caleb. He'll only bring you down," Stewart said.

Stewart and I locked eyes and he leaned in towards me. He pushed my hair back behind my ear and softly brushed his lips over mine.

Stewart had been so sweet and supportive during all this.

He was nice and it felt nice having a guy just be nice to me.

"Zoey!" I heard a shocked voice

Stewart pulled away from me and I looked up and saw Jasmine.

I felt so guilty as I looked at her.

Shit what did I just let happen!

Jasmine walked past our table and headed towards the ladies room.

I quickly asked Stewart to move so I could get up and I went after Jasmine.

I saw her go into the ladies room and I walked in right after her.

"Jasmine it's not how it looks," I quickly denied.

It was exactly how it looked. Stewart and I had just kissed and I was still with Caleb.

Now I was the cheater.


"So you weren't just kissing someone who isn't Caleb?" Jasmine asked in her self-righteous tone.

Sometimes Jasmine just has this way of making a person feel so small.

As if things weren't bad enough for me now here Jasmine is trying to shame and guilt me. As if I didn't feel bad enough.

"Caleb is a great man but he has baggage and isn't consistent. We had a fight and Stewart saw that I was upset at work. He brought me out to lunch to be nice and cheer me up. He kissed me and caught me off guard. I swear the kiss meant nothing. Please don't tell Evan or Caleb about this," I pleaded.

The last thing I need is Caleb finding out about this and having him snap on me again.

"Zoey Evan is my fiancée we don't have secrets," Jasmine said.

Was she serious! What about girl code!

Couldn't she have my back just this once!

"Come on Jasmine don't act like you haven't ever kept anything from Evan. Just please forget what you saw. I'm going to tell Stewart that kiss was inappropriate. I mean he is my boss. I need my job and I don't want to lose Caleb," I said desperately.

"I can't make any promises," Jasmine said sternly.

"Please just try to consider that I'm young and starting out in life. I don't have all the answers. I don't deserve to have the one guy I've fallen for dump me just because Stewart was trying to comfort me," I said.

I walked back out of the bathroom and I felt so confused. I mean I don't want Caleb to know about my kiss with Stewart but at this point I don't even know if I'm going to stay with Caleb. 

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