On the Open Road(p1)

Start from the beginning

They manage to find parking behind a seedy looking building that's nearly falling apart, the smell drifting out from the dumpster threatening to trigger Nico's gag reflex but once they get out into the street it's better, and he feels as if he's floating, with Will by his side. They had both agreed a long time ago not to spend too much money; they couldn't afford any of the fancy restaurants that seemed to be begging them to come in, or the tourist traps in time square so they settle on a tiny diner a few blocks away from Time's Square, with the scent of grease wafting out from the door and a sizzle coming from the fryolator. They order burgers and fries and slip into a booth at the back of the diner, a split running down the back of the booth and a water stain running down the wall. 

"It feels real now," Will says, staring around the diner. "It didn't feel like we were really gonna do this but here we are, already three hours away from home." He laughs and the sound makes Nico's heart flutter in his chest. "And I'm happy I'm doing it with you. You're my best friend, Nico, and I'm really, really glad we're doing this." His smile is wide and it reminds Nico of days spent by the beach in the summer, laughter as they drink hot cocoa in the winter, birthday parties with cake frosting smeared around the edges of their mouths. 

"I'm glad we're doing this, too." Will's hand is lying across the table and Nico's almost tempted to reach out and grab it but he doesn't, letting his hands drop to the smooth plastic, pressing in his hands. "Hey, what do you want to get out of this?" Will frowns as the waiter comes over to their table with two red wicker baskets, two cheeseburgers sitting atop a throne of fries. 

"What do you mean?" Will bites into his burger, a spot of ketchup dotting his upper lip before he wipes it away with a napkin. 

"Like, what do you think you're gonna gain from this? In five years, what are you going to remember about this trip?" 

"Ooh, a deep question, I like it." He leans back in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest. "I want to see more of the US. I'm gonna be moving across the country in a few months for college, and I think I need this. And the memories will be nice, too, you know, the memories that people always have of stopping in random places and seeing stuff for the first time. But I also want to make sure we don't drift apart. I care a lot about you, Nico, and I don't want us to lose our friendship." His words give Nico a feeling of warmth that feels like it's spreading from his heart all the way through his veins and he feels a smile spreading across his face. "What about you? What do you want out of this trip?" 

"Same things, I guess." He dips a fry in his ketchup, chewing until it turns to mush in his mouth. He feels a little bit bad, that Will gave a long speech that made Nico's heart grow in his very chest and Nico gave a half-assed response with as much depth as the kiddie side of the pool, but he couldn't help it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to get his feelings out.


Pennsylvania is bursting with color as they drive, trees sweeping down to brush the edges of the highway with the sun bouncing off of the leaves and making them shimmer. They're singing along to the songs on their playlist, Will's voice soft and sweet. His fingers are tapping on the wheel, his head bobbing and his face is lit up like a Christmas tree. Nico finds himself staring, unable to tear his eyes away from the bright blue of his eyes, the freckles splashed across his nose. "What are you looking at?" Will asks, laughing. 


"You keep looking at something outside of my window." 

"Oh." Nico feels his face flush. "I was just looking at the scenery. Everything is so much more beautiful than I thought it would be." Will's smile widens. 

"You know, you're a lot sappier than you look. You look like you're all tough and brooding but on the inside, I think you're just a big softie." He laughs and Nico lightly punches his arm. 

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