Good news and bad news

Start from the beginning

I find Oliver. "Oliver" I ask. "Yes ma'am" he asks me. "Where is jace? I need to talk to him" I say. "In his office ma'am" he says. "Thank you Oliver" I say. I knew Oliver would know where he is.

I go into the office. Jace looks up and smiles at me. I smile back and close the door. "I thought you'd be with Izzy" he says. "I was but I told her I'd come in here to see you for a minute" I tell him. He nods.

"Whatcha workin on" I ask. "Last minute things before I leave tomorrow" he says. "Do you need any help" I ask. "No it's fine. I'm hoping I can get this done so you don't have to do it tomorrow" he says. "Oh, are you sure you don't need any help" I ask. "Positive. Ive got it. Go hang out with Isabelle" he says. "Okay" I say.

"Can I ask you a question" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Do you want another baby" I ask. He puts down what he's working on and gives me his full attention. "Honestly, no I don't. Why do you ask" he asks. "I'm just curious" I say. He nods again. "I guess since I can't help I'll go back to Izzy. Let me know if you need me okay" I say. "Okay" he says.

I leave the office and go back to the drawing room. Isabelle and Alice are still in here. "What did he say? Did you ask him" Isabelle asks sounding excited. "I didn't tell him" I say. "Why not" Alice asks. "He doesn't want another kid. I can't have another kid only for him to come home from the war whenever that may be only to hate the kid and me. I may even loose the baby while you guys are gone" I say. "I won't let you loose the baby. I'll help take care of you while they are all gone. We know him. There's no way he'd hate you for having a baby. His child. He loves you Clary" Alice says. "Yeah, and I'm here for you too while you're pregnant with the baby. Even though I will be gone you can always send me a letter and I will send you one back" Izzy says. "Thanks guys" I say.

"I want to go see Magnus" I say. "Why" they both ask. "I just do" I say. He will be able to help me with my baby problem. "I'll go with you" Isabelle says. "Okay, you gonna come Alice" I ask. "No, I'm going to stay here. I am going to see if there's anything for me to do" she says. "Okay then" I say.

Isabelle and I go over to Alec and Magnus' house. "Hey mags" I say when we walk in. "Hey biscuit. Hey Isabelle" he says. "What are you two doing over here" he asks. "Aunt Isabelle" I hear a voice say. Magnus and Alec's son Raphael comes walking in and hugs Izzy. She hugs him back.

"Magnus, can I talk to you" I ask him. "Sure" he says. We go sit down at the table in the kitchen. Izzy is busy with Raphael. "What's up Clary" he says. "I just found out I'm going to have a baby" I say. "Congratulations" he says. "Thank you, but there's a problem with it" I say. "With the baby" he asks. "Yes and no" I say. "What's wrong Clary" he asks. "Jace doesn't want the baby. He doesn't know I'm having another one but he told me he doesn't want another kid" I tell him. "I'm sorry Clary" he says. "Me too. That's why I've come to you" I say. "Me" he asks. "Yes. I want you to take the baby away. It will be hard to have the baby and you guys come home and Jace hate me for it. If he doesn't want the baby I need to loose it" I say.

I feel I already love this baby, even though it's not very big. I want to keep the baby, if jace doesn't it doesn't matter what I want.

"Clary I'm not killing your baby. You need to keep it. At least hear him out first. Tell him you're having another baby, his baby. You'll be alright" he says. "What if I command you to take this baby from me" I ask. "I won't do it Clary. You don't need to kill a baby. It's wrong. He or she is yours. You need to keep this baby. You can do whatever to me since I won't do what you want but I'm not killing your child" he says. I nod.

What am I going to do? Magnus won't take it from me. Jace doesn't want it. I want the baby. This baby is already inside of me. I love it already.

"But the question is, do you want the baby" he asks. "I do. But Jace doesn't. If he doesn't it doesn't matter what I want" I say. "Of course it does. You're the one carrying the baby. I know it's a little harder for you to leave with the baby like your mom did since you're a queen and all and you have bigger responsibilities, but you can still have the baby, and while he is away and we all are gone to the war. The baby is yours. You should be the one to decide to keep it or not. If he doesn't want it then something is wrong with him" he tells me. "Thanks Magnus. I guess I better go home and talk to him then" I say. "Go on Clary. You've got this taken care of darling. If you need me I'll be here" he says. I hug him.

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