Chapter 95- Anticipated Return

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The impact itself was not hurtful towards him. He barely felt the pain surge his jaw as his body was buried into the floor from the force of this punch. The real strike was to his ego, at allowing someone to get so close while letting his guard down.

Alruin who had not been expecting this only froze up when he saw who had been the one behind that attack.

She looked beyond anything he could imagine. Sayu stood ontop of the hole in which she had literally buried Y under with a punch with a divine glow. There were large wings made of pure luminescent energy sticking from her back and her eyes had a glow of fire burning within them. Her entire body was covered in the coat of aura that he recognized as those of the Gods. She looked momentarily at Alruin and lifted her hand.

The sword that he had pulled from her chest tucked with great force from his hand. Even as he held it tightly it managed to loosen itself from his grip.

Sayu grabbed the incoming sword and stabbed the tip of it on the ground.

"Y-you..." Alruin's voice shook from disbelief.

"Back to the hole you came from worm! Searing Geyser!" Sayu yelled out ignoring him.

From within the large hole in which Y was buried under, a pillar of fire erupted forth into the sky. Its heat was so intense Alruin felt himself sweating underneath his armor. The attack continued to shoot upwards into the sky leaving very little room for Y to react.

"Holy Fire!"

The fire which was already hot enough to burn anything to ashes grew in intensity. The color changed from its bright red to an intense white reaching a point where it glowed and burned his eyes. Alruin, although far enough from the attack, began sensing some of the effects from the attack. His skin began heating up and he could feel slight burns around his body appear.

This attack was incredibly powerful and he couldn't understand why. Even now with this new form he saw Sayu in. Despite their strength difference her attack was still affecting even him, even though he wasn't taking the attack directly.

It wasn't time for him to really question what was happening. The bright intensity of the fire now forced him to close his eyes. There was nowhere he could go since he was still under Y's attack.

Sayu's sword began to glow as it cracked under the pressure of her attacks. She wasn't feeling like herself.

She had just experience what death was for the first time in all her life. The cold grasp of those reapers and the afterlife. She knew she would return but even so, the fear that arose from being where she was and the hatred towards the one who had put her there. When her eyes opened back to this place, there was only one thing she wanted to do more than anything and that was to kill the one responsible for causing her this pain. No moral justice just pure and simple revenge.

Her eyes took an intense glow as she felt herself slipping and yelled out.


The intensity of the attack took on a different appearance. The overwhelming glow diminished but the attack's strength increased. The flames that were pure white in glow became a mixture of black and white as the raging fire began turning everything around it into ashes.

Alruin who was already suffering burns from simple proximity felt the heat increase once again. This time the discomfort became unbearable as there was finally a definitive pain he could feel from the fire's in front of him. He held back his voice but it was slowly eating away at his body.

Almost in a blink of an eye the flames vanished altogether. The heat elevation remained from her attack but the increasing damage Alruin was receiving stopped. He opened his eyes and looked around only to see Sayu on the ground, barely holding onto her sword. Her glow had taken on a slightly different appearance and instead of just having the light glow around there was semblance of a dark energy surrounding her.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat