We make it to the throne room. Charlotte comes and brings us our crowns, and the other servants bring out the bowl with a lot of entries. It seems like a lot more than jace had. "Geez it seems like people like you a lot more than me" he says. "Ha" I tease.

I reach in the bowl and dig around the pieces of paper. I pull one out and open it. "Samuel Winchester" I announce. A guard goes in a room and comes back out with someone.

The guy that I called is super tall. I feel like a little kid compared to him. He has long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I smile up at him and he smiles back. "Come on" jace grumbles walking out of the room and the guy follows him.

I leave the room and go change in my closet. I pick out some jeans with a white soft t-shirt with a grey blazer. I keep my black flats on.

I go down to the drawing room

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I go down to the drawing room. I look out the window while I wait for my new king. To be honest I'm kinda nervous about this. What if he doesn't like me? I won't see jace for a good 24 hours. If this guy doesn't like me then this could be a bad day.

I see jace leave the castle and go out to the barn. There's a knock on he door. "Come in" I say. A guard comes in. "King Samuel is here. Would you like for me to send him in" he asks. "Yes please. Send him in" I say. He nods and leaves the room. Here goes nothing.

The door opens again and he comes in. He's wearing a navy shirt, dark jacket and jeans.

(Sam is portrayed by Jared Padalecki)

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(Sam is portrayed by Jared Padalecki)

"Hi" I say. "Hi" he says. "We need a proper introduction. We didn't get much of one earlier. I'm Sam" he says. "I'm Clary" I say. "You're so cute and short" he says. I laugh. "So I've been told" I say.

"So what do you want to do today" I ask. "I don't know. What is there to do around here" he asks. "Depends on what you like. Let me show you around and see if there's anything you want to do" I tell him.

I show him around the castle. All except the tower. I will should him that tonight.

We walk outside and I show him around. "Sammy" we hear. Sam turns around and I turn around too. Josten comes up to us. "Sam what are you doing here" he asks. "I won the king for a day contest that's why I'm here. Why are you here" Sam asks. "I work here" josten says. "Hold on, how do you know each other" I ask. "Sam's my little brother" josten says. "Really? But you're a mundane aren't you" I say to josten. "I am" josten says. "You have fun being king for the day Sammy. I'll be around if you need anything" josten says and goes back to his training men. (Sorry guys I had too. I didn't seem right for me not to make them siblings and use a different name for Sam)

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