I go back over to Jace. "I think I'm going to be sick again" he says. "You better make it to the toilet. If you throw up on the floor or my side of the bed, I won't sleep in here with you for a week" I tell him. "You're bluffing" he says. "Nope, I'm dead serious. You don't believe me, try me. I dare you " I tell him. "I'll try to make it" he says.

"I'm going to go get some work done in the office" I tell him. "You're leaving me when I'm literally seconds from death" he asks. "You're not dying Jace, you have the stomach bug. Go to sleep and it will help you feel better" I tell him. I mean honestly, stop being so whiny.

I go and leave the bedroom before he can protest. I find Oliver in the hallway on my way to the office. "Has alice made it here yet" I ask. "No ma'am not yet. She usually gets here around this time" he tells me. "When she gets here, please tell her to come to my office" I tell him. "Okay" he says.

I turn and go to my office. The first thing I see is s big pile of papers. I go sit behind the desk and work on them.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in" I call. Alice comes in. "You wanted to see me" she asks. "Yes. If you don't have much to do today, you can have the day off. Jace is sick with the stomach bug so I'm going to be taking care of him for the rest of the day. Also, you can give some of the maids and servants the day off too" I tell her. "Awh I'm sorry to hear that. I actually don't have much to do today, so thank you. I'm guessing there's not a lot of laundry do I will let those girls have the day off and maybe a select few who have been doing good recently and could use the day off" she says. "Okay, sounds good" I say to her. "You want to keep the cooks right" she asks. "Yes" I tell her. "Okay, that's what I thought" she says. "I'll let you work" she says. "Thanks" I say. "Of course" she says and leaves the office.

I work on the papers some more. Once I get through half of them it's already lunch time. I go into the dining room and eat my lunch. I put two chicken wraps on my plate along with some Italian mini sandwiches. I eat my lunch in peace.

I go upstairs to check on my 'dying' husband. I go into the room and see him covered in blankets. I go over snd sit next to him. "Oh look at that, you haven't died yet, it's a miracle" I say sarcastically. He groans. "Are you feeling any better" I ask. "No, I can't stop shivering, and I got sick again" he says. "I'm sorry. You want me to go get the cooks to go make you some soup" I ask. "Yes please. Can I have chicken noodle soup with star noodles" he asks. "Star noodles? No, I am not making them make you chicken noodle soup with star noodles. Who makes you chicken noodle soup with star noodles" I ask. "Maryse makes me chicken noodle soup with star noodles when I'm sick" he says. "Well you don't need chicken soup with stars. You are a grown man. I will be back with your chicken noodle soup with normal noodles" I tell him.

I go down to the kitchen and see a couple of cooks in here still. "Is it too late to ask for some chicken noodle soup" I ask. "No ma'am, it won't take too long to make either. I'll get right on it" a cook says. He gets to work on making the soup. It's freshly made too. It's probably gonna taste even better than the kind in the can.

When he finishes making the soup he pours it into a bowl. "Here you go" he says and hands me the bowl. "Thanks guys. Lunch was great by the way" I thank them and leave the kitchen.

I take the soup up to the bedroom. I hand it to jace. "Eat this. It will help you feel better" I tell him. "Are there stars" he asks. "No, there are no stars. Just normal noodles. You need to be a big boy and eat your normal noodles" I tell him. "I don't want normal noodles, I want my stars" he whines. "Eat your noodles" I say. "Fine meany" he says. He takes the soup from me and eats it.

I go to the other side of the bed and sit next to him. He finishes most of it then sets it down. "Why don't you love me" he asks. "I do. I'm just not making them make you star noodles" I say.

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