I didn't know you had a boyfriend - Thomas Sangster

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You lie on the bed. Sleeping peacefully. Isolated in your own dreams. While Thomas Sangster and Dylan O'Brien admire your serenity.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Thomas asks. Reaching towards your face and tucking some of your hair behind your ear.

"Yeah man...but-" Dylan begins to mention your relationship, but he is quickly interrupted by yur slow stirring.

"Is she waking up?" Thomas asks. 

At the sound of a males voice in your room, your eyes quickly open, and you flinch back in shock at the dark figures before you.

"Whoa, Y/N/N, relax," Thomas says, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shutter in response.

"Its Thomas, and Dylan," Thomas explains.

"Oh," she says, moving to sit up.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asks innocently, her voice slightly shaky.

"We-" Dylan begins to explain but Thomas quickly interrupts, addressing your state.

"Are you alright?" Thomas asks you.

"I-..." she struggles for words, "I just had a nightmare, that's all," she tries to reassure.

"Anyway...Thomas has no where to sleep... and we were wondering if he could sleep with you? Since your alone," Dylan tells her.

Y/N's eyes widen, not once has she ever slept with anyone other than her current boyfriend. Her boyfriend. What if he got mad?

"Um I don't know..." she trails off, hoping they'll remember that she has a boyfiend.

Thomas looks down, sad and embarrassed. He always had a slight crush on you ever since you two met, and here he was getting rejected.

"I suppose so," Y/N says slowly.

Thomas's eyes light up and he looks at you with thankfulness.

Dylan smiles as well, then pats you on the head and exits the room.

Thomas stands there awkwardly for a few seconds. You were on the edge of the bed closest to him and the other side was facing the wall. He would have to climb over you to reach the open spot. You also recognized this.

"Do you mind if I..." Thomas trails off, regretting his ability to act normal around his secret crush.

"I don't mind, just be careful," She says, making Thomas's heart drop.

"I don't want you falling on top of me or anything," she says to lighten the mood. This comment suppresses a chuckle from Thomas.

Thomas leans over Y/N and places both of his hands on either side of Y/N's shoulders, then he swings his leg over her body. For a second, he was fully on top of her. Not crushing her, but holding himself up. All it would take to kiss her would be a small downward movement.

At Thomas's hesitation, Y/N's cheek blush red in the dimly lit room, and she turns her head to the side.

Thomas frowns, but quickly moves off of her and moves his legs under the covers. Now they are laying side by side, alone in the bed.

Y/N breaks the silence, "Sorry if I'm acting a little weird, I've just been paranoid lately," 

"What happened?" Thomas asks, fully concerned. At this thought, Y/N shivers. Thomas can feel her shaking.

"I'd rather not talk about it," she says. Then changes the subject, "it's kinda cold in here," she says.

"Come here," Thomas offers. He would share his heat with Y/N at any time.

Y/N hesitates. She moves slightly closer to Thomas as slowly as possible. Thomas guides the slightly frightened girl towards him with a gentel hand. His hand rests on her waist and Y/N fights the instinct to flinch. She tenses beneath him.

"Are you sure your alright?" he asks, running her waist slightly, trying to warm her up.

"Fine," she whispers. At that moment she realized Thomas was only trying to help, he had never done anything wrong to you. And he's always offered to help.

Your arm moved toward his and you rested it on his chest. You moved your head on his shoulder.

Thomas was overwhelmed with emptions. The girl he's loved for so long is finally reflecting it back. He had to keep going, but also take it slow, he couldn't scare her off.

He started the attempt to calm her down by slowly moving his fingers along her waist, she began to loosen up, enjoying the sensation Thomas was bringing. 

Although he just seemed to be scratching her clothed waist, it was much more, He was gentel and smart. He knew all the right places where she was sensitive.

When Thomas began to inch higher, he hit a spot a few inches below her under arm, causing Y/N to let out a soft moan. As soon as it was let put there was no taking it back.

Thomas's eyebrows furrowed and the butterflies in his stomach erupted like a volcano. He had caused you to moan in pleasure. His heart seemed to quicken in pace.

You bit down hard on your lip. You couldn't be letting him to this to you. Is this intimate or friendly?

Thomas began to lower his hand. But it became dangerously low when he started to play with the hem of your shirt. 

You needed to stop him. But there was something stuck in your throat, keeping you from teling him off.

Next, he began to move his fingers under your shirt, now touchng youyr bare skin.

"You're so soft," Thomas whispers. His hands werent freezing cold, but his touch sent shivers down your spine. 

He didn't stop, he continued to move higher. He must be aiming towards the spot that caused a moan before. But this time he was under the shirt. Who knows what this will do.

Once he reaches it he twirls his fingers and traces a circle on your waist. You bite down hard on your lip to stop the moan but it was too strong, and your moan was now louder and more clear.

That has never happened before. A noise like that has never come out of your mouth, ever.

"This has to stop," you whisper, but nothing comes out of your mouth. Only another breath.

Suddenly, his hand moves towards your inner chest. Did he realize what he was currently touching? A sensational shock was spread through your body and you instantly jerked back. 

Thomas's heart dropped knowing he definitely crossed a line.

Your turn away from him. Back facing him. Wraping your arms around your waist and holding down your shirt in case he would try that again.

"Y/N, Im really sorry. I was only trying to calm you down I-"

"Thomas, please don't. Just tell me why you did that,"

"I...don't know," he says.

"How could you do this to me? That felt so...intimate. And you know I have a boyfriend!" I exclaim, louder than I expected.

"You...what?!" he says, his heart breaking and aching in pain.

"Y-you didn't know?" you ask, suddenly feeling sorry for him.

"You never told me..." he says, feeling ashamed.

"This is all my fault Tom. I'm so sorry," you say.

"I should have know, I've loved you for so long," he admits.

You are lost for words, has he really been in love with you.

Then Thomas clears his throat, "I'll wait as long as I have to."

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