Fighting (pt.2) - Thomas Sangster

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read prev. chapter (pt.1) if you haven't already.
The nurse heads into your room and slightly closes the door.

You open your eyes and sit up.

"Am I cleared?" you ask.

"Yes, but first I have to ask you a few questions," she says gesturing to her clipboard.


"First, do you remember everything?" she asks.

You gulp down, "yes," you admit.

"Alright," she says marking something, "What was the first thing that happened to you?" she asked.

"Um... I was hit on my face," you say softly.

"Then?" she asks.

"Then I went to some ally and I ran into...." you trail off.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Um...a light post. Then I got knocked out," you lie, hoping she won't catch on.

"Hmm," she says suspiciously, "Look, Y/N, I don't want to give you a hard time. But if that 'boyfriend' of yours, Mr. Sangster, is harming you-" the nurse says but you interrupts.

"I'ts fine. I'm fine. Can I go now?" you ask impatiently.

"I suppose so," she sighs, "I will check in with the doctor and then you are free to leave," she says and exits with the clip board.

She places the clip board on the desk before heading to the next room.

Thomas steps up from his seat in the waiting room to sneak a look at the paper.

Thomas steps up from his seat in the waiting room to sneak a look at the paper

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Thomas gasps and looks away after reading the paper. He had no idea that could be the conclusion. But moreover, he wanted to know who you interacted with after you left his house.

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