Mask - Newt

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Sorry guys I've been inactive for a while...yet again wattpad was not working on my phone. I'm publishing it from a different phone tho
When I first came up in the box, everyone saw me as weak and powerless.

Gally, one of the worst people in this shuck Glade, had everyone fooled. He said that, because I was a girl, the work I could do in a day, would be what an average guy could do in 2 weeks!

The only job I was able to qualify for was a slopper, or bagger. I was chosen as a bagger. I don't know was that is because i've never had to do anything. My partner says it's because no one has died, whatever the hell that means.

One day, someone came in my shack and tried to hurt me. I couldn't defend myself so I was left with a black eye and sore muscles for days.

It was then when I decided to lean to defend myself. I got really close to Minho so he would teach me how to fight. The rest was up to me.

I hadn't got one good day of sleep since the first day, because I snuck out to train myself and stuff, maybe that's why the boys didn't hit on me like they used to, I was fine with that.

Tomorrow was the bonfire, oh and the day we got a new greenie, but more importantly, the stupid bonfire.

You sit alone on a log and notice the shack Newt and Zart are working on is about to fall over.

Instantly, you dart up and race over. Then, Newt looks at you with confusion.

"Y/N? What are you doing over here?" Newt asks.

You couldn't help but stare dumbfoundedly at him. He was physically perfect. Sure he wasn't as muscular and buff as Minho or Thomas...but he was perfect.

"Oh, Uh...I just came over here to..." you trail off as the creaking of the structure starts.

"Shit!" You scream trying to hold it up. Newt lunges over and grabs on right on top of your hand.

Then he looks at you with blushing cheeks, you try to keep up the structure but it falls down anyway.

"Sorry...I was going to warn you sooner," you say.

"It's fine," he says.

"Probably just that shuckface Gally's poor building skills," you pose.

"What did you say about me Y/N?" a sharp raspy voice says. You turn around and are faced with Gally.

Thoughts of doubt race before your mind, should you stand down or finally give that shank what he deserves.

"You know what Gally? I'm sick and tired of you're constant shit!" you spit back.

"Ooh! And I'm so scared of the girl!" he says sarcastically and you notice a few more boys coming over to enjoy the show.

"Fine. Let's settle this once and for all," You say rolling up your sleeve to indicate shit is about to go down.

Gally chuckles satanically, "Sure, this should be easy," he says.

You begin the fight with Gally, it goes along the lines of the video...

You lunge towards Gally and see he is getting tired, obviously shocked that you are so strong and experienced.

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