Get Saved - Thomas Sangster

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"Dyl! I'll do those shelves," you tell him as you head to the far side of the building.

You and your best friend Dylan O'Brien are doing some volunteer work at a sort of abandoned library.

Dylan is what appears as the average popular guy but he is so much more. He is super funny and everyone loves him. Plus he has you. And you didn't know this but a lot of the guys came to Dylan to try and get with you.

Fortunately, he would always save you. He would tell them off just like you would.

While you work on organizing the shelves, you hear the bell ring meaning a costumer came in. But you were too busy to want to look, pus Dylan was in the front.

"Hey man!" Brad, one of Dylan's friends, says.

They talk for a while before one says, "Why are you even doing this bro?" he asks.

"I don't know man. It's required. Plus Y/N and I-" Dylan explains but gets cut off.

"Wait! Y/N's here?" They ask.

"Yeah?" Dylan says suspiciously.

"Uh we're gonna say Hi," they say and start to walk off. Dylan steps around the corner to follow them but is quickly stopped by a call he has to take at the front desk.

They creep back down the aisle, looking for you.

Until one says, "Shit! We all gotta go to practice!" he says.

"Okay I'll meet you there," one of them says as the rest of them run out of the library and drive to football practice.

The lone boy standing finnally finds the aisle you are in.

You stand on a small latter on your tip-toes reaching to pull out a book when you feel a firm squeeze on your butt.

"Ah!" you shout looking back to see a boy smirking at you.

"Hey! Let go!" you say pushing him off, when you do you loose balance on the flimsy latter and begin to fall.

Before you can fall he grabs your wrists and pulls you up.

Then he forces your wrists over your head and
pushes you against a wall.

Your heartbeat quickens in fear.

"Get off me!" you scream.

He leans into your face as you try to squirm away, "I'm gonna have you sweetheart, wearther you like it, or not," he whispers and starts attacking your neck.

"DYLAN!" you scream but it is quickly muffled by his dirty hand.

"Stop stop stop it!" you cry, but he doesn't, he continues until he pulls of zip up sweater and you are now in a thin white shirt and pants.

"I've only started with you-" he tries but if cut off by Dylan's punch.

"What the fuck!?" Dylan screams.

"You didn't realize tears are still pouring out of your eyes.

Suddenly, the boy gets up and charges at you.

"Y/N! Run!" Dylan shouts.

You quickly react and run out the door, trying to get the tears to stop pouring out.

You continue to run and run and run. You look back once at that very moment just to cure your paranoia when...


The world seems to slow down when you bump into a sturdy figure ahead of you. Nonetheless, you nick him down.

But not before he could drench your white shirt in dark brown coffee.

You lay onto of the person, that you've so far only concluded he is a man, and look towards his head.

Sure enough you see a boy, around your age, looking shocked and surprised.

You open your mouth, "Oh my- I-Im so sorry!" you say pushing up of his chest to get off of him.

"It's alright, love," he says in a beautiful accent getting up himself.

"I- I wasn't looking... I should have stopped... but he...he was chasing me-" you explain but then he pulls a finger to your face and wipes a tear off your cheek.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

You wipe the tears away, "Y-yeah," you lie.

"Hey...uh, I'm Thomas," he says reaching his hand out for you to shake. You reluctantly take it but then quickly look back to see if the boy is still chasing you.

"Y/N," you say shakily.

"Um, I'm sorry about your shirt," he says looking down at your ruined shirt.

"Oh," you say looking down, embarrassed that your bra was starting to show though.

"My house is just a few blocks from here, if you wanna get changed there or something?" he asks nervously.

"My house is just a few blocks from here, if you wanna get changed there or something?" he asks nervously

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"Um... I-I" before you could answer you hear the calls of your angry attacker.

"Hey! Y/N! I'm not fucking done with you!" he shouts.

You grab Thomas's bicep, "Go, Go!" you say.

"I'm not bloody leaving you," Thomas says.

"I took out you boyfriend back in that library, is this little shit next?!" he shouts getting closer.

Thomas furrows his eyebrows, she has a girlfriend? he thought.

But before he can continue, he snaps himself out of his thoughts and grabs your hand and run.

He knew that you might not want to go to his house, but you both needed somewhere where that guy couldn't get to you.

Hey guys! I feel like a lot of my stories are similar so any requests?

working on pt2 for this

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