Chapter 39: I wish.

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“Why do you look away every time I try to look into your eyes?” He said lifting up my chin.

“I…I…I don’t know…you make me feel nervous” I tried to avoid those emerald, green eyes. I was a sucker for those eyes…no. I was a sucker for HIS eyes.

“You’re so cute” He said chuckling.

“Thank you Mr. Nuggets you’re kinda cute too” 

“Oh why thank you, let’s go babe” He said holding my hand again and walking back to Louis’ house where his car was.

“I promised the girls I would go see them tonight. So I guess I’ll be staying over” I smiled.

“PERFECT” He replied smiling back.

“I miss them so much” I laughed quietly. “I feel like I haven’t seen them in forever!!!”

“They feel the same way…believe me” He chuckled.

“Hahaha, well with all that was going on with Louis’ break up with Hannah. It kinda feels like forever. It was terrible he was so broken. Last night I noticed how sad he was. I’m just glad he met Eleanor. Those two could really work out as a couple. Maybe not right now…since he just got out from a relationship but I felt like if he totally forgot about his break up when he was talking with her.” 

“I agree. Poor Boo Bear.” He frowned and kept talking. “He really deserves a girl who will love him and treat him right. Eleanor is just the perfect fit for him.”

“You’re right” I said stepping on Louis’ doorway and knocking the door.

“Yeah” He nodded and leaned in, smiling. I leaned in a little closer, and…

“WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?!?!” Louis said smirking.

“Why? WHY?” Harry said walking inside the house. I rolled my eyes and punched Louis’ lightly in the arm.

“Ahh don’t get mad lovebirds.” He said laughing.

“I’m going upstairs to pack” I said acting like if I was angry.

“What? Why? We were having so much fun” He was falling for it.

“I’m tired of you being so immature. Grow up” I said walking upstairs.

“No! Emma I’ll be good.  I promise.”

“What did I heard? Are you leaving Em?” I heard Lottie’s voice and five seconds later she was standing at the top of the stairs.

“Wait…who’s leaving?” Fizzy appeared and stood next to her sister. “You’re not leaving Emma! Are you?” I turned around to see Louis frowning.

I could easily be an actress.

“I am.” I saw from the corner of my eye, Harry laughing quietly.

“Nooo Em! STAY” Lottie said.

“Oh my god Louis what did you do?!!??!” Fizzy asked getting angry.

“I didn’t do anything”

“It’s obvious you did something” Fizzy said glaring at her brother. I couldn’t hold it anymore. A fight was about to erupt. 

“Guys stop! I was just messing with Louis. I didn’t mean for you guys to be part of it.” I giggled.

“Oh good” They both sigh in relief. 

“I think you owe someone an apology” Louis said looking at me and Fizzy.

“Sorry” Fizzy said walking away with Lottie.

We both stood there looking at each other for a couple seconds and I broke down in laughter. “I’m not apologizing”

"Give me love" A 1D fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora