A Perfect Proposal (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Hello! I have another story for you! This was requested by @dipdipqe. This involves no quotes from the previous chapters. I don't have anything else to say. When watching the video please be mindful that I have used most of this as inspiration so I may have changed a few things so... I hope this is what you were expecting! Please enjoy! ❤️
Bruce pov
I love her. That means I would defend her with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. It means I will comfort her in the difficult and painful times. It means I will dance and rejoice with her when times are good. It means I will never betray her, never give up on her. It means finding my fire when she is threatened, yet never waging war - only doing what is necessary for a noble defence. Love says I care for her when she doesn't care for herself. Love says though life may test me I am hers for eternity and I will never abandon her. It means I will never put her in danger no matter how noble the "cause" may be. Love means protecting the earth, protecting humanity, but should anyone demand her life to save their own I will tell them to rot in hell. There can never be a higher calling to me than protecting and caring for those I love. Love is not a concept for sheep, for sheep run at the first sign of fear; it is a concept for lions.

There is not much that scares me but the possibility of ruining my relationship with (Y/N) does. Ever since day one, there has never been a time where she has lost faith in me. No matter what obstacle got in her way she will overcome it. She had even gotten all of the boys to like her...including Damian. She spends almost all of her spare time doing activities with each of the boys. She is the loving mother figure that the boys need, the one they always needed. Her eyes are always filled with a type of kindness that seems so innocent and genuine so endless: as big as the sea. Does she deserve to be burdened with a guy like me? Will she say yes to a man like me?

(Y/N) pov
Each of the boys look at me with grins that only appear when they are up to trouble. I am pushed to the kitchen table and a laptop is shoved in front of me. I look at it with curiosity then glance at the boys sceptically in the hope that they explain what the hell they want me to do. There was almost never a time where all four of the boys have gotten along together so this situation rises major red flags. I swear to god if these boys have screwed something up I will give them a much-needed ass kicking. Dick hastily opens the laptop and types in a password only to result in a black screen to appear.

"What's this?" I ask, annoyed.

"Patience Mother." Damian retorts.

I play around with the touchpad and realise the black screen was a video. I press play and begin to watch silently. Quiet music begins to play and I read the two names that pop up on the screen.

Bruce & (Y/N)

The screen fades back into black before I hear Alfred's voice and see Bruce's love-struck face.

"So you love this girl?" Alfred asks offscreen.

"Yeah, there is not a second of every day where I'm not thinking about her. She is the most amazing thing that has happened to me. She makes me want to be a better person, every second of every day. It boggles my much how she loves me." Bruce replies.

"She sounds like quite an amazing person. Tell me about her." Alfred says.

"I don't even know where to start. She's...she's got this smile and this laugh that uh, would make any girl from any movie you've ever seen or any book you've ever read jealous. She's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. She's like the epitome of a princess but it's not just the looks but the way she carries herself and how kind she is and uh, just her heart of gold and how goofy she is. She's just the most beautiful girl in the world, she's my best friend. And she can out goof me in any situation. On top of all that just how amazing of a Mum, she is to the boys. She's just amazing." Bruce explains.

I bite my tongue, trying to hold the tears that threaten to leave my eyes. And that's when I can't hold them back. First, one small crystal bead escapes from my right eye. I can feel the warmth, sliding down my cheek, and rolling off my chin. Then another. And another. Until my eyes flood with them, coming like rainfall. The video fades to black and I let out a laugh that sounds more like a sob. Bruce had been doing small things like this throughout the month, each time being completely random. I wipe the tears from my eyes and allow the boys to lead me outside and through the large garden until we arrive at an undercover area decorated with fairy lights and rose petals. It takes a second or two for the new information to sink in, even though it is right before my eyes, seemingly larger than life. Then I feel my lips stretch into a grin and my eyebrows arch for the sky. Bruce appears from basically nowhere but as soon as I see him I can't resist running toward him and engulfing him is a tight hug. I'm not aware of the tears that roll until he brushes them off my face. I rest my head on his chest and watch our family and friends join us while soft music plays. We sway to the music and hold each other tightly.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I thought about each different way to say this but I could never find the right words. I knew I wanted to marry you ever since the day I met you. This is a bit more official than I thought it would be but you deserve the best I can give. I want to spend the rest of my life with you (Y/N)." Bruce pauses as he kneels onto one knee "(Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?".

Bruce takes a black box from his pocket and reveals a beautiful ring inside. Tears come to my eyes and I nod my head. My happiness feels infectious. It starts as a tingle in my fingers and toes, much like the feeling I have when I'm anxious, but instead of worrisome it's warm. I feel it pass through me like a warm ocean wave, washing away the stress of my day to leave me refreshed inside. The giggles build up inside me like so water behind a dam, making my shoulders shake and my belly hurt.

"Yes! Of course! Yes, yes, yes!" I squeal in delight.

Bruce holds me gently, cupping my face with both hands. His lips are firm against mine, but the kiss remained soft, gentle and slow. We hold it for a few seconds before our lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. We break the kiss and Bruce slips the ring onto my finger. I race over to my adopted sons and somehow manage to embrace all of them at once. Everyone shares the same looks of excitement as I babble over the wedding plans forming inside my head. I spend the rest of the afternoon spending time with Bruce and the boys watching movies and talking about what the future has in store for us.

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