Hostage Situation (Damian Wayne x reader)

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Hi all! I hope you all have been enjoying what I have been writing. I also took Chillin With a Villain down because I have decided to rewrite it but it will be up ASAP. This was requested by @-SatanIsAGirl- & the prompt used is number 22 "A: I'm tired of these constant near-death experiences. B: don't be a whiny bitch, bitch.". Sorry for being MIA lately! I hope this makes up for it! Please request!
(Y/N) pov
My heart is pounding, my breath sounds like thunder in my ears, my thighs are burning, my lungs are on fire and I pray that I don't trip. He is right behind me. Adrenaline fills my body and my eyes are wide with fear while a scream builds up in my throat. I hear his heavy steps pounding on the asphalt beneath our feet. Damian had already been taken which left me to be. The League Of Assassins were looking for kids to turn into their next generation of assassins. Somehow Damian and I had made their list. I feel fingers snatching at my (H/C) hair, tangling and tugging. My head jerks backwards. The scream finally rips through my throat. I claw at the space in front of me as I try to keep my balance. A hand clamps over my mouth and I feel something prick my neck. I use the last of my strength to rip the mask from the soon to be kidnappers face. My legs buckle beneath me causing me to fall with a grunt. Each movement I make is slower than the last. My eyes widen in shock as I recognise the face that had been hidden behind the mask. The bow and arrows he is carrying should have given it away, why didn't I realise sooner? His name is the last thing I can say before I surrender to the drug coursing through my body.


Damian pov
Mother leads me to a large wooden door with multiple designs carved into it. The guards behind me reposition themselves beside the door. I glance at each one sceptically but redirect my attention to mother when she opens the door. I look around the room but find nothing out of the ordinary. I arch an eyebrow and turn to my mother expecting an explanation for this. Instead of her usual calmness, her face was slack with shock and her fists were clenched. She brushes past me and grabs one of the guards standing outside.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Mother screams.

Her eyes are wild with fury and her hand reaches for her gun. Slowly everything connects and I realise mother had been expecting to see (Y/N) in the room. A wave of relief washes over me due to the knowledge that (Y/N) had found a way out. Heavy footsteps and pained grunts echo throughout the hallway which ends my relief. My eyes widen in horror as I watch the traitor drag (Y/N)'s body across the hallway floor.

"I heard you were missing something." The traitor states.

Talia's chilling smirk returns to her face as (Y/N) is thrown at our feet. I restrain myself from ripping apart the people responsible for this. I notice the fire and hatred in (Y/N)'s eyes as she gets up from the floor, something that was foreign on her beautiful face. Her body leans on mine for support and her hand becomes entwined with mine. Although I hate relying on my 'family' I now am suddenly wishing they would hurry up and find us.

"Now that we have that situation under control, are you willing to work with me now Damian?" Mother asks.

My hold on (Y/N) tightens and I decide it's best to remain silent. Mother laughs in mockery but (Y/N) shakes her head.

"We will not do anything with you!" She spits.

Mother raises an eyebrow and an amused smile replaces the sinister smirk she once wore. Mother walks forward and brushes a stray hair from (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) flinches but stands her ground.

"Do you struggle to understand that you were only a pawn, a bargaining chip?" Mother asks, her amusement evident.

Before (Y/N) could respond the traitor walks in and whispers something to mothers ear. The amusement on her face disappears and fills with rage. (Y/N) steps back in surprise. I can feel the anger radiating off mother as she storms out of the room.

"Keep them here!" She barks at one of the guards.

The guard walks in and aims his gun at us, his finger poised over the trigger. (Y/N) and I glance at each other as the door slams shut behind mother. (Y/N) sighs and rests her head on my shoulder causing me to wrap my arm around her. No matter how long we are here for (Y/N) would be safe. She is my responsibility which means if anyone touches her again I will rip them apart, That is a promise. I rub her back soothingly and place a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm tired of these constant near-death experiences," I mumble.

She laughs quietly and places her head on my chest. My father will find us in a matter of time, all we have to do is wait. I glance at (Y/N) and smile, there is one thing we both hate...waiting.

"Stop being a whiny bitch, bitch.".

Even in these dangerous situations, I find it astonishing that she can find humour. That is something I aspire to be able to do. I smile once more as I continue looking at my beautiful girlfriend. Grayson would approve.

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