Common Courtesy (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hi there! Whoop another story for Y'all. This was requested by @EilleBon and uses no prompts.  I kinda changed it but I did my best to keep it the same as what you wanted to happen. I wanted to make it a lil' bit more happy/fluffy because I was just feeling in a mood to write fluff instead of sad. I hope you enjoy! Xoxo :)


Dick Pov

The city always seems to be different at night. It's as if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions of themselves to take their places. The lingering light is quickly being obliterated by the rapid falling of the night. The salmon and purple sky has begun to slowly transform into a jet-black blanket that engulfs the town. A canopy of luminous stars materializes amongst the ocean of blackness. Some are dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then. I like the night, it hides my flaws, my imperfections, the scars burned onto my flesh, the stabs of knives or the bullets from guns left behind. I can do the things I would never be allowed to do when the sun is out.

But tonight I only wish to stay in bed with (Y/N). I lay awake, listening to the sound of her soft breathing beside me. I sigh before checking my phone once again, hoping that Bruce's message will just go away, I mean this Red Hood guy isn't that much of a problem right now. One night without me helping out wouldn't kill Bruce...right? He has Tim to help him out anyway so I'm practically not needed...but Bruce does like to plan for the worst.  I carefully roll onto my side and look at (Y/N)'s silhouetted figure for a moment. She looks peaceful. I pull the blanket up over her shoulders before planting a kiss on her forehead.

(Y/N) Pov

Upon waking up, I burrow myself into the warm, soft sheets. I rub the sleep from my eyes and gaze out at the star-filled sky. I suppose this is something the majority of people could consider beautiful, but I find it strange, hard even, to find something so meaningful in something so mundane. I can hardly ever feel the joy from it others did, the magic that drew so many artists and photographers in as if they had some lens or filter I'd missed out on. I roll over and reach out for Dick's body but only find empty space.

I groan and glance at the time. Where the hell could he be at 3 am? I get up and blindly search the untidy apartment for Dick but find it empty, just like last week and the week before that. As I move about the apartment my body begins to wake up, becoming restless with anxiety. Dick should be back by now, he promised. What is he doing? I fill the kettle to make coffee I have absolutely no intention of drinking and my eyes kept darting to the telephone that refused to ring. I turn the television on and sit, only to turn it off a minute later. When the kettle finally boils and clicks off I am standing an inch from the front door, staring at it as if I could will Dick to open it, visualizing my smile of relief and the scold in my tone as I tell him how worried I'd been.

But as time continues to slip by I begin to lose hope that he will even come back. He couldn't be cheating on me...could he? I slump into my favourite armchair, turning on my phone in the process. I scroll through my Instagram feed, trying to stay awake. I know everyone has their own secrets, trust me. But, how many are too many? The sound of the balcony door opening causes me to jump from the couch, spinning on my heel to reveal the person daring to enter my humble abode so informally.

The man which stands in front of me has curls as dark as the midnight sky. His eyes are hidden behind the white lenses of his blue mask. His suit only accentuates the muscles which ripple across every part of his body. There is a short moment where Nightwing's face is washed blank with confusion. Every muscle of his gorgeous body freezes before a stunning grin creeps onto his face. I've only ever seen one man with features as fine as Nightwing's, so now I know, without a doubt, Dick was never cheating on me.

"Uh, hi." He greets.

"Richard Grayson, I have been worried sick about you! I thought you would at least have to common courtesy to leave a bloody note!" I scold him.

"I...uh. Who's Richard?" He replies dumbly.

I notice the blood which radiates outward, soaking into Dick's suit. He looks like a complete mess, it's as if he'd been hit with two different kinds of weapon at once. There is an unusual dark red hole which oozes thickly out of his shoulder, as well as multiple different tiny wounds – like shrapnel.

"Don't you play dumb with me mister! Now, get over here and sit, I'll get the medical supplies and patch you up." I order.

I help Dick strip the fabric from his body to show the damage that had been done. He sucks in air like it has suddenly become thick and is now almost too difficult to draw in. There are great purple welts which are scattered across his abdomen like a deathly disease. He's lucky not to have broken bones...but the bullet wounds are probably just as bad. I hate seeing him like this, bloody and beaten. I hand him a bottle of the strongest alcohol we have and let him have a few mouthfuls before I begin to work on his wounds.

"I didn't know you could do first aid." He mumbles while taking in a sharp breath.

"I took a course when I was a kid," I reply.

The bleeding of his bullet wounds has now slowed to a slow trickle as I place the bandages around them. I place a soft kiss on his forehead as soon as I finish, helping up from his chair and walking him to the couch before grabbing some food and water for both of us. I flop onto the couch, wrapping a careful arm around Dick's torso and turning the tv on. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." He begins.

"How about we talk about this tomorrow? I'm not mad Dick, you're doing great things for the city. I'm proud I get to call you my boyfriend, I've always been and always will be. Nothing will change the way I feel about you." I reassure him.

"I love you," He replies.

"I know baby, I love you too." I giggle.

In seconds our bodies mould together, sharing each others body heat. Dick's fingers curl into the fabric of my shirt, not clasping it tightly, almost as if it were to reassure him I am staying with him. Our breaths are in unison as we listen to the drone of the television. I look down and see that he is half asleep, his eyes opening slightly when he feels me move.

"This is nice," I mumble.

He barely nods, his eyes slipping closed a few seconds after. He has always been unfailingly kind, always putting others first and himself last. No matter how tired he is, he's never been short with me. His face has a softness even when it comes to rest as if he lacks the inner bitterness of the others. His eyes are filled with a kindness that seems so innocent and genuine so endless: as big as the sea. I clasp on to Dick's hand and squeeze softly. For so long I have longed for a relationship as loving as this one, I can't bear to lose it - lose this thing that makes me feel so complete. It's strange – frightening even but it's love. Honestly, it's the best feeling ever. 

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