Corrupted Innocence (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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This was requested by @A_Freak_From_Gotham. It is based off prompt 24 (A: He Tried to kill me! B: Yeah he does that). Anyway, I have nothing else to say.. so yeah. Bye!
(Y/N) pov
At the start, it was all giggles, all laughter and all smiles. We saw the funny in everything and that was our bond. We could be serious too; we loved deeply for others more than ourselves... so I guess the humour was how we let out the tension that kind of love brings. In those silly moments, we were perfect, and they are the sweetness I need in rough times. That's what a friend can do... it's the love that makes doors in emotional brick walls, the love that makes everything possible. I like to think back to when we were only kids. With cheeks that always seemed flushed and curls that did a lively dance when you ran. I knew from the moment I met Tabitha that we would be friends forever. How different we are now. All the innocence we had has been replaced by sharp edges and cold, unforgiving hearts. But I have stayed by her side even if it meant I would be in danger. Damian and I enter the cafe, our bodies sweaty from the countless hours of exercise we had done just before. Tabitha watches me, the shape of her eyes hardening, her mouth a thin line. When had our innocence left us? What had corrupted our innocence?

"You said you'd be here 5 minutes ago. I'm sorry to say this," she says, her head giving an involuntary to shake, "but you are rude. It's just rude to say you'll be here at a certain time then not show up for another 5 minutes."

I sit down and frown. It was only 5 minutes. My mind taunts me with the number of times she had ditched me for another, telling me I shouldn't have to put up with her crap. I have killed and wounded so many people and I have managed remain emotionally stable. Damian and I share a glance as our hands find one another under the table. He hates it when people disrespect me. I know it isn't my fault but I still apologise. It's easier this way.

"Tabby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I mutter.

Tabitha turns away briefly before facing me once again. "No, it's rude. You just don't do that. You left me sitting here for five minutes all alone. You made me look like a loser!"

My eyes widen and I grip onto Damian's hand tighter, afraid he will do something. I notice Tabitha had turned her attention to Damian. She had always told me that if he ever dumped me she would gladly be his rebound, I always thought she was joking. She leans forward onto the table and winks at Damian causing him to scoff and roll his eyes. I smile and softly squeeze his hand to communicate my thanks. Tabitha averts her gaze from him.

"You know you've been a misery lately, (Y/N), just miserable. You make me sad and everyone else too, you've upset everyone." She says.

"Tabby, you know about my line of work, you know I lost my dog, you know that I've tried so hard to be happier around you, to hide it, I've just gets tiring," I explain.

Tabitha lets her eyes wander up and down my sad frame, an involuntary sneer appearing. She doesn't understand how hard it is. She never did. I'm not perfect like her. I never had the luxuries she had, I had to fight for what I have. She always had everything handed to her on a gold platter.

"Well, I've never had someone so miserable in my life, (Y/N), not ever." She continues.

"You're wrong," Damian announces.

Damian pov
My face has become rigid, jaw clamped tight, teeth grinding. It's time to get out of here before I do something I might not regret. In standing my chair flies backwards, falling. Tabitha is glaring at me as if I did it on purpose. In her head, this is a victory already. I need to turn away now, turn before I snap her neck. (Y/N) is the most wonderful, beautiful, joyful person I know. I have no idea how (Y/N) is still friends with this thing in front of us. (Y/N) stands up hesitantly and allows me to wrap my arm around her shoulder. (Y/N) doesn't deserve to be treated this way...even if her occupation comes under the title of assassin.

Tabitha scoffs "What do you see in her? I can give you everything she can't! I am so much prettier, smarter and better than that ugly cow!".

That is the breaking point of my patience. At that moment, I am blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying. I turn around and reach out. I went to punch her in the face. When my fist came in contact she fell to the ground wailing in pain. I don't care who saw it, I don't care what they say in the media because no one messes with my beloved. In my defence, I also believe in gender equality. Tabitha rises from the ground on shaking legs.

"(Y/N) (L/N) break up with him now! I don't care how rich he is or if he buys you overpriced jewellery. He just assaulted me." She screeches.

"Tabitha you provoked him." (Y/N) replies.

"HE TRIED TO KILL ME!" Tabitha yells

(Y/N) glances back at me and smirks. Damn, she's cute when she acts like this.

"Yeah, he does that."

On our way out I slam the door hard; I hope Tabitha's uneducated brain rattles in her skull. No one messes with us and gets away without injuries. Just ask everyone who tried.

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