Doing Things? (Tim Drake x Reader)

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Alrighty guys, here is a Christmas present for ya'll. This was co-written by my sister, meaning she took control I edited (She's the oldest if you can't tell). This was requested by @1-800-oblivion  and uses prompt 11 (A: "Sorry I'm late, I had some things to do." B: "By 'things', she means me").



(Y/N) Pov

It wasn't meant to be like this. I shouldn't have been sitting on the bath ledge with a razor in one hand and my toothbrush in the other. I'd never been one for multitasking, today certainly wasn't an exception.

"Babe, we are going to be late. You're gorgeous, let's go." Tim calls out from the other room.

He wasn't even meant to be here. He's not usually the kind of guy I would usually date. I mean, for starters, he's got black hair and I've always liked blondes. But, things had gotten out of control last night and now this morning is so much more chaotic than it should have been. 

"BABE... I'm in a towel, with foam over half my right calf and toothpaste as lipstick. If you keep distracting me we are only going to be later, cause you'll be dropping me off at the hospital with cuts from my razor." I snap.

"Oh, I can distract you alright, you weren't complaining last night." He remarks.

His stupid, sexy, smirking face appeared around the ensuite door.

"Out!!" I screeched.

"Nothing I haven't seen before Y/N." Laughing, he turned away, buttoning his shirt.

Rolling my eyes, I continue preening. Today is going to be a long, long day. Despite myself, a small smile starts creeping up after memories from last night start to surface. The silence next door indicates that Tim had gone in search of breakfast, I figure it was safe to slip into the dress I planned on wearing this morning. Dropping the towel I once had wrapped around me, I take the slinky silk dress off its hanger. Focused on unzipping and not getting fabric caught, I was unaware of returning footsteps.

"Well, isn't this a nice way to start my morning, maybe this should be a regular thing," Tim announces.

His plump lips return to my neck, sucking on the place he claimed in the previous night's activities. He buries his head into my neck and his hands rove all over my body. We are both caught up in the moment but I eventually come to my senses. Suppressing a moan, and exercising as much self-control as I can, I turn. 

"We're going to be late, how am I meant to explain you arriving with me as is?" I hum.

"Just tell them you had things to do..." Tim shrugs.

And there goes all my self-control. Taking charge, he moves me backward, onto the sheets, my poor dress left crinkled on the floor. He's sure of himself, he thinks he is in control. Finger's running up my body, fire and ice following their tracks. Hot breath in my ear, lips down my neck, skin to skin, absolute heaven. How could I say no when it was exactly what I needed? My gaze slides to the side. He pulls me closer to his chest. His nose tickles my ear. I let out a tiny gasp and squirm. His lips softly graze my neck once more. 

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