Love and Hate Part 2 (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Hi again! i know this is late and I'm sorry but I just got out of writers block...I think. I'm not quite sure yet but I think this should keep you satisfied...I hope. I know it's short but there's also the sweet part about it...right? Anyway this was requested by@Eleanor-Devitt and uses the prompt "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor, get up here." Hope you enjoy! xoxo


(Y/N) Pov

Upon waking, everything is blurry. For a second, I don't know who or where I am. I don't know how I have gotten into this bed, or how I have gotten into these clothes. Then, everything is processed. The thing above me is the ceiling. The thing on top of me is the duvet. The thing underneath my is the pillow and mattress. The things I am wearing is an oversized Metallica shirt and a pair of black leggings. I can see everything clearly now. I slowly sit up causing a pained groan to escape my lips.  I rub the remainder of sleep from my eyes and gaze out at the horizon; its vivid light extended across a rosy sky. Rolling over in my slovenly sheets as the sunlight hissed at my face. My dishevelled, (H/C) curls are scattered across my pillow, and every breath I exhale smells faintly of soap and tea and something musky and mannish that isn't indicative of cologne. It's a good smell, I feel safe. I burrow myself into the warm, soft sheets which cover my broken body once more with a pained sigh. God my ribs hurt. I hear movement from the floor then a messy head of midnight black hair appears beside me along with a large dog which looks like a Great Dane.

No one feature makes this guy handsome, though his eyes come close. I've heard a few people speak of the colour of eyes, as if that were important, yet his eyes could be beautiful in any shade. The icy blueness generates a feeling like I am being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of beauty. From them comes an intensity but a gentleness as well. He has dark eyebrows, which slope downwards in a serious expression.  He has the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks, you know? Strong and defined. He reminds me of someone who I can't recall at the moment. The persons face is fuzzy in my memory as I push myself to remember who it is that this handsome guy resembles.

"Hello (L/N)," He greets me.

"Sup buddy..." I trail off awkwardly.

Then it hits me, this dude is Robin. Oh god, I feel like an idiot. Why didn't I recognise him? Oh, wait...the eyes. This is the first time I've seen his eyes. I feel the heat growing in my cheeks. I suddenly feel awkward as I attempt to hide my red cheeks behind my fingers. It isn't cute either. It isn't a soft pink like a healthy outdoors glow, it is beet red. Robin click's his tongue and opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it as I notice that he's still on the floor.

"Why are you on the floor?" I ask.

Silence settles over us, he shifts uncomfortably. I see the gentle flush of pink on his cheeks before he tries to hide it by looking away. A small smile plays on my lips, I guess he doesn't get flustered often. It makes him look slightly vulnerable. It makes him look really cute. He clears his throat before our eyes lock causing my heart to beat erratically in my chest, almost as if there's an entire zoo in my chest, but in a good way. There's something about him like his slight confidence and inflated ego, that has me muddling my words and blushing uncontrollably.

"I was concerned over your wellbeing, therefore I decided the best way to monitor your health was to stay by your side until the worst of your injuries have recovered." He mutters.

"Okay, but there is literally a chair right next to you." I point out.

"It was uncomfortable." He states.

"So you sat on the floor?" I ask.

"I wasn't sitting on the floor imbecile," He snaps, glaring at me.

"So, what were you doing?" I query.

"Sleeping..." He murmurs.

"You're not serious, right?" I ask as laughter escapes my lips.

"I don't make jokes," He replies.

"Okay, weirdo...I'm not letting you sleep on the floor, get up here," I order.

"No," He objects.

"Don't fight with the currently crippled, now get up here," I demand.

"Only if you sleep on the side closest to the wall," He hesitantly replies.

"What, why?" I ask.

"I have made an honour-bound promise to protect you. Thus I won't allow you to sleep on the outer edge of the bed. If there is to be an assailant, they have easier access to you whilst I am hindered by an inferior position deeper within the gully of the mattress." He explains softly.

"Uh, okay? If that helps you sleep at night," I reply.

He's hesitant to settle himself onto the bed but in seconds his body is moulded to my own, sharing our body heat easily. He stretches one arm beneath my pillow, and I tuck neatly into his side. I feel his chests rise and fall against my back, our breathing in unison. I feel his other arm snake around my waist and his fingers limply intertwine with mine. His warm embrace brings the type of peace I am unfamiliar with. It gives me hope for the future. My thoughts of fear slowly fade away, leaving me with a weird warm and fuzzy feeling within me.

"So, uh who's clothes...?" I begin.

"You're wearing Todd's shirt and Brown's leggings," He replies.

"Okay, who...?" I try once again.

"Gorden and Brown dressed you," He informs me.

"Uh, alright who...?" I begin once more.

"Alfred administered first aid. Any more questions?" He sighs.

"Wanna go on a date later?" I ask, turning my head to get a better view of his face.

"I may," He smirks.

I notice the Great Dane pace around the bed. His eyebrows twitch from side to side in that way he does when he's trying to figure something out and it just isn't working for him. Then he leaps up, softly pawing us with his forepaws for attention and his wet tongue licking our intertwined fingers for pats. I giggle softly as he pushes his body into mine as he stretches out beside me. His big brown eyes look at me with hope as I move my hand to pat the pup. I run my hand through his short coat and massage his big head lightly with my free arm.

"Hi puppy," I greet.

"Titus," Damian corrects me.

"You're very cute Titus," I whisper happily as he looks at me.

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