Some Super Friends (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Hi, thank you all for being so kind and waiting. I've just had a few massive few weeks so I just had to take a step back and focus on myself. Just, thank you for the support and patience because it means so much to me! Anyway, this was requested by @Lake_Wyvern and uses no prompts. I hope you enjoy!  


(Y/N) Pov

You know, I have always loved the wind, for it comes to me so boldly, touches my skin. In coldness, it rouses me to wakefulness, an alertness that lets me savour the moments in dryness and rain just the same. In soft breezes, it is finer than silk, smoother than water. In the gales it sings through the trees, sending loose leaves on a dancing funfair ride, hypnotic, beautiful. In autumn the wind is cool but not too cool, perfect for flying.

It's like every muscle and bone even my skin is one with the wind. I allow it to lead me to any destination it likes. But today I follow Dad and Jon, not the wind. We approach the Wayne Manor and I notice how it's like a fortress, tall gates with more security gadgets than a military compound. Perhaps behind those dull bricks, they feel safe from everything that lurks in Gotham, but I can't help think they've only built themselves a beautiful prison. Either way though, it's none of my concern, I'm just here for well, I don't even know why. Well, actually, I did almost blow up the kitchen making a cheese sandwich last time I was left alone. So maybe, I didn't realise that my heat vision would start a fire. But that's the reason why fire extinguishers were created, duh. Jon falls back, flying next to me instead of Dad.

"Okay, so you have to meet Damian first. You two will get along so well, I just know it!" He grins excitedly.

"Damian is Robin right?" I ask.

"Yep! He comes on a little strong at first and he's a rebel at heart. You know, not one to ever play by the rules. But he's the nicest person you'll ever meet. Not that he shows it much. He's got so many good ideas though, you're going to love him." He rambles on.

As we land at the front door, Dad knocks on it. We wait a few seconds before the door opens and an old man welcomes us into the manor. The man had a fringe of grey-white hair around his balding, mottled scalp. He has a wizened face and perfect posture, reminding me of Dad's description of someone named Alfred. Dad and Jon embrace the man as if he's family. Once they release each other the man observes me, a pleasant smile on his lips.

"Ah, you must be young (Y/N). I've heard quite a bit about you from your brother." He says.

"Yep, that's me. Alfred, right?" I respond.

"At your service ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," He pauses, looking at Dad "Master Bruce is waiting for you in his cave, like usual."

Alfred then departs, leaving us to travel through the manor by ourselves. Jon grabs my wrist and begins to sprint through the halls, giving me no time to stop and admire any of the pictures and furniture lining the walls. We come to a stop in front of a grandfather clock, I raise an eyebrow and turn to Jon, unimpressed. We wait for Dad to catch up, watching in excitement but also confusion as Dad changes the time. We all take a step back and wait, my jaw almost falls to the floor as the clock moves to the side without any obvious physical help.

Once again, Jon grasps onto my wrist, dragging me down the dim stairwell. I manage to slip my wrist from his grasp as we reach the bottom of the stairwell. Of course, I've seen Dad's fortress but this is so much cooler. Dad pats my shoulder as he passes me, joining Mr Wayne at the computer. I scan the cave for Jon eventually finding him at the area that looks like it's used for training. Beside him is a boy wearing a Robin uniform, my heart stops in my chest as I observe him. I've only ever seen a few photo's of Robin and they do not do him any justice. Unlike those photo's Robin has his hood down and mask off, revealing his identity as Damian Wayne. His ruffled hair complements his pale skin so beautifully, like damn, how can a person be so pretty? His blue eyes are as bright as a cloudless sky, honestly, I could stare at them forever. 

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