Late Night Booty Call? (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hi everyone! Here's another story for ya'll, I hope you like it :). This was requested by @SquirticusMaximus as well as @Fem-Ganymede and uses prompt 12 ( A: "Ugh, I hate you." B: "It's not good to lie to yourself") and prompt 7 (You're really cute and it's ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.).  I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are. XOXO


Dick Grayson Pov

It is a very dark night tonight, about nine o'clock, and deserted seeming. There are hardly any trees or the city planted blooms which Metropolis has, Gotham only contains monoliths of concrete which soar out of the sidewalk in a gridded pattern. I linger on the rooftop, watching. Despite the disgusting weather the feeling of the city's atmosphere is strange, its almost calm. It's almost as if the city is 'normal' for once. Gotham is unapologetically urban, even a blind man could see that. But Gotham has its perks, I mean its pretty at its own way. A stakeout means multiple hours of backache, intense boredom and cold coffee. I rock my feet back and forth on the gravel, anything to keep my blood moving. Although, tonight the lights on the pier are smudged by the rain which falls in sheets. At least I have (Y/N) to complain to, even if its over the phone. 

"I'm so sick of this. And you just know there's no way anyone is committing this crime in this $#!^*%g storm." I complain.

Only do I ever swear when I'm angry or annoyed. It's not attractive nor is it right, but just let me stub my toe or be left alone on a patrol when the weather is as bad as this one. I bite the edge of my smile as I imagine the face (Y/N) would be pulling right adorable. 

"Ahem," (Y/N) coughs. 

"Right. Language. If I don't drown I'll put five bucks in the jar later." I grin before pausing "Look, I'm sorry to babe, but I'm getting mad...I just need to talk to someone..." I begin before being cut off.

"Alright honey, lay it on me, I'm ready..." She sighs.

"Okay, so, the rain has been going on all night. I've never seen it this bad. You know, a couple of minutes ago I saw an ark float past. The animals were lined up two by two." I complain.

I can imagine the smile which she is probably wearing right now. There is always something about her smile which allows butterflies to escape from the pit of my stomach. Her smile sparks happiness inside of me every time I see it, no matter how bad of a mood I'm in. I want to make her happier, I want to do anything I can to hear her laugh and see her smile. So, I continue to make jokes, it helps to pass time.

"Oh, look. Aquaman's building a new Atlantis just behind me. Ba-dum-bumm!" I laugh.  

"At least you're still in good spirits," She chuckles.

"I'm fine. Well, sort of. My shoulder still hurts. I'm wet. I'm freezing. I'm hungry. And god, do I have to pee. I'm finally understanding where Bruce took off to in the middle of our stakeouts. 'Least he had me to keep watch." I trail off before chuckling "Maybe I should get my own little Robin,".

"Give me five minutes and I'll be there," She sighs.

"Oh my god, you are the bestest girlfriend in the whole world!" I exclaim.

"Your grammar is horrendous," She mutters before hanging up.

(Y/N) Pov

Once the smells of the city were alien to me, its chaotic fragrance set me on edge. There was no tinge of earthy loam to the air, no fragrance of spring growth or heady warning when rain was due. I've never been shy of a little rain. As a little girl, I embraced the wet days, my sister would stare mournfully from the window. I loved and adored the rain,  the feel of it in my hair and on my skin. The smell of it the air before and after it falls from the clouds. Walking through the rain was never easy for me. I always had to jump from puddle to puddle that formed in slight dips and cracks in the dark grey sidewalk. 

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