Cookie Thief (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Okay, so first of all sorry for the late update....I got a bit busy. I'm also sorry for it being short, I tried but I've been feeling like crap and right now I feel like this is the best I can produce right now. So, this was requested by @MistressHero523 and uses prompt 23 ("Give me a cookie." B: "What the fuck are you going on about?" A: "I just saw you shove an entire plate of cookies from the buffet into your bag, give me one."). Have a lovely Christmas! Anyway, I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are.


Damian Wayne POV

 I hate them all. Father believes I should have a social life but all I want is to spend time with (Y/N) beneath a warm duvet and listen to the beating of her heart. People expect me to attend the gathering, a smile painted on my face and a beverage in my hand. Do people not factor in my own interests? Ugh, as I said before I despise everyone except for (Y/N) and Father...Grayson as well, that is when Grayson isn't being insufferable. I let out a long breath as if I was unaware that I'd been holding it in. I nod with a slight smile as the insignificant being in front of me continues to speak. Although I am distracted as I spot (Y/N) lingering near the buffet, her purse clutched tightly in her hands.

"Excuse me, I must attend to a potential hazard," I announce.

"Oh, should I get Bruce?" The person asks.

"Mr Wayne to you and don't bother, I'll have it under control in only a matter of seconds," I answer.

The sweet-scent of baked goods overpowers every other scent that lingered in the room as I near (Y/N). It's so very tempting to grab and simply indulge in the decadent pleasures in front of us. Cookies of every kind layer the table. From white chocolate and macadamia nut right through to sprouted grains and wheat germ, there really is something for everyone. My lips creep upward in a smirk as I silently watch (Y/N) delicately dump the last two plates of my favourite cookies into the bag she carried. 

"Do my eyes deceive me or are you committing larceny Beloved?" I ask.

"What the fuck are you going on about?" She asks, nervously shifting her stance.

"I just saw you shove two entire plates of cookies from the buffet into your bag, give me one." 

"Your eyes deceive you, my love...I have not seen your missing cookies." She mischievously giggles.

She grabs my wrist and drags me down the hall, the sound of the crowd fading as we get further away. I feel (Y/N)'s newly done nails slightly digging into my skin. I glance down at them. They are midnight black with glitter at the tips the colour of clear ocean water. She had them done that morning to match her outfit, a strapless cocktail dress made of lovely fabric. It shimmers the same colour of her nail polish if the light hit it a certain way. Her (H/C) hair falls in perfect curls on my (S/C) shoulders and her soft, (E/C) eyes glance back at me. Within a few minutes, we arrive at my bedroom. There's a purity to her, naivety perhaps, but she's the only flower in a meadow of annoying people.

"What are we doing?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"I'm bored and I miss Titus...what did you think we were doing?" She replies.

"I don't wish to comment," I murmur.

I can feel the heat growing in my cheeks. By now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness, marking me out as a social incompetent. But upon inspection (Y/N)'s cheeks are just as red as I would guess my own are.

(Y/N) Pov

With a nervous giggle, pretending to not hear his previous comment I open the door to be greeted by my favourite puppy. He lazily lifts his head, acknowledging our intrusion before putting to back down to continue his nap. I make a bee-line to Damian's bed and flop down with a sigh, kicking off my heel. After a few seconds the bed dips and Damian whistles, calling Titus over towards us. 

"I don't think I'm very fond of rich people..." I sigh.

"Oh, and why is that?" He asks.

"They aren't real." I lazily shrug.

"I'm real," He replies, confusion etched in his features.

"You're different baby, you dress up at night and play cops and robbers for a living." I point out.

It doesn't take long before Damian lays next to me and drapes an arm around my stomach, hugging me closer to him, silence filling the air.

"Let's watch a movie." I stand up and put in the DVD player and join him back on the bed.

He eagerly wraps his arms around my waist, once again burying his head in the nook of my neck. Our breaths are in unison.

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