Caught In The Act Part 2 (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hi! Ok so I have a challenge for basically anyone, if you are interested I have posted a little explanation on my conversation wall so please go check that out. If you're too lazy just comment here and I'll send you a dm. (I just have a story request and wanna see the different ways/directions/point of views that people want to take it). Please just have a go at writing it even if you are a tiny bit interested! Anyway, this was requested by @PunkMewtwo and uses no prompts. Enjoy!

Warning: Badly written angst. 


(Y/N) Pov

My eyes are wide with a feeling which is familiar to me. My body wants to either run as fast as it can for the safety of the streets or to the safe embrace of Dick's arms, but instead I remain where I am. Let's face it, there is really only one thing I can do: Pray I don't mess up. My adrenaline surges so fast I almost vomit, I can taste saliva thickening in my throat and beads of sweat trickling down my brow. At some point, I'll have to move and enter the large ballroom which awaits me.

I understand how capriciously cruel people can be because of my days as a street kid. By day the shoppers swarmed the boutiques with slogans stencilled to the glass fronts in fashionable off-white. They strutted from up-market cars to flash their credit cards in exchange for designer goods costing many times more the price anywhere else. Others like me wandered the street, often in noisy exchanges with themselves or each other. But the nighttime was the worst time for us street kids, the streets belonged to the pimps, the drug dealers and of course, the very worst Gotham had to offer. Even the cops stayed away unless there was a complaint from a civilian and even then they came slowly. I bet this didn't happen for the people which are mingling in the room before me. 

My breath is caught in my throat as someone hooks their arm around my own. I gasp slightly before allowing myself to relax into Dick's side. He guides me inside, never leaving my side for even a second. As we pass multiple people who're unknown to me gawk at our intertwined arms. Harsh whispers circulate around the room causing me to use Dick as a human shield of sorts.

"(N/N)? Is that you?!" A voice calls out.

My eyes scan around the room, attempting to catch a glimpse of the owner of the familiar voice. I notice a few people being pushed aside by a fully grown man. I hear Dick mumble some not so kid friendly words as the large man continues to hurry towards us. My hands tighten involuntarily around Dick's arm, I observe his sharp jaw, chin, and cheekbones. His eyes seem to sparkle like storm clouds right before lightning. Then it hits me...Jason Todd, my old partner in crime is the one who is running towards me. 

"Jason! Oh my God!" I exclaim, embracing him tightly.

"How...wait, why are you here?" He asks.

"Uh, my boyfriend invited me." I giggle softly.

"Wow, uh...I don't know what to say doll! It's great to see you," He replies.

"Hmm, it's nice to see you haven't lost your charm Jay," I grin.

Jason Pov

Dick rests his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his body. My feelings are so neutral most of the time. To feel something different there has to be a positive or negative event. Usually, after the joy or sorrow has passed I reset to the middle ground, content, neither high nor low. I've known pain enough to fragment my soul into such tiny pieces it took me years to reassemble my mind after I was brought back. But seeing her, seeing (N/N) again sparks old emotions which I tried my best to leave buried when I was resurrected. 

"Excuse us for a moment," I say, grabbing Dick's arm.

I don't release Dick until we reach the garden outside. The air is pungent with the fragrance of jasmine, I inhale slowly before exhaling sharply. This used to be a place of peace, tonight it will be a battlefield.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I ask harshly.

"Supporting my girlfriend at her first gala?" He says, his tone seems to be questioning me.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I exclaim.

"What's gotten into you, Jason?" Dick asks.

"You are dragging her into a life of pain, can't you see that. Have you forgotten what happens to the people around us?!" I spit.

"(Y/N) and I have talked about this, she's fine with the danger." He reassures.

"You don't get it, Dick! You need to break up with her, get her out of our lives before she is killed." I snarl.

"You have never cared about who I dated in the past. So why are you so insistent in...." He trails off "Because she's the girl from the street, the one you love..." He finished off, beginning to piece everything together.

"She's better off with me, you know that Dick!" I sigh.

(Y/N) Pov

I walk outside, my hair fluttering in the air, my dress clinging to my body. I tightly wrap my arms around my body as I approach the two boys. Every word they say seems to be over pronounced, slicing rather than tumbling through the air. There is a wall of bitterness that separates them, growing more thorns by the second.

"Is everything alright?" I call out.

"Don't worry about it princess," Dick replies.

Something flashed beneath the surface of Jason's hardened expression and I hurry to investigate the sudden shift. But the emotion disappears before I can identify it, like reaching desperately for an escaped balloon; the string dangling so tantalizingly close but the wind pushed it away and it's lost forever.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I ask.

"Just go back inside (N/N), we're sorting this out." Dick urges.

"Oh really? Because it looks like you two are going to rip each other's throats out as soon as I leave." I say, placing my hands on my hips.

"Just go," Jason sighs.

"I'm sure I can help in some way." I urge.

"You can't." Jason dismisses.

"Why?" I ask.

"Jesus (N/N), why are so stubborn all the time?" Jason snaps.

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"Come on (N/N) let's get out of here..." Dick begins.

"No! Tell me what's going on!" I insist.

"JESUS FINE! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU (N/N)! I have been in love with you ever since we met.  I need you and I love you and it sucks because I can't have you. You chose Dick over me and every time I see you two together it hurts because it isn't me." He hastily answers.

"Oh Jason, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I never meant to lead you on." I begin.

"Don't...I don't want your pity (Y/N)." He interrupts.

Unlike myself, there is no trace of tears in his eyes like I thought there would be. His eyes are narrowed, rigid, hard...cold. I have seen this look in his eyes before, I've turned myself into the enemy, his enemy. I hate it. I draw in a deep breath, the burning hard stare will last only as long as it takes him to think of the most brutally cutting thing he could tear me down with. To my surprise, he turns around and walks away, leaving Dick and I alone. Oh god, what have I done? I turned my best friend into my worst enemy. 

I couldn't lie to him, it wouldn't have been fair. I couldn't give him false hope for a future with me. He is like a brother to me, nothing else. I could never commit to a relationship where I don't see the other as a lover. Dick wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to his body, gently rubbing my arm. As soon as Dick touches me, I don't feel my world crumbling as much as I did before. His touch soothes me. It sets my internal chaos quiet, just for a moment. I sink into the warmth of his side, appreciating the simple gesture. My heart feels heavy as Dick and I walk back inside. I catch a glance at my reflection as we walk past one of the many random mirrors. The cold has painted bright red on my cheeks and the wind has turned my once tamed hair into a wild mane. God, I look like how I feel.

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