Flowers (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Hey everyone! This was requested by @Celeste-Pixie and uses Prompt 12 (Just because I'm not the one you are looking for, doesn't mean you weren't supposed to find me.). Please enjoy! I used a prompt from Pinterest/Tumblr when I created the plot for this story.


(Y/N) Pov

The flowers lie on the table, their once beautiful petals curling at the edges from the summer heat, already their stalks are limp and when I pick them up their heads fall with gravity towards the table. I inwardly curse, I should have put them in the vase the minute they had arrived. Soon they stand in cool water and all I can do is go about my work and hope they recover. They're my favourites too, miniature sunflowers. I can't afford them every week either, sometimes only monthly, but I refuse to give my customers nothing but the best. I can never see flowers too many times, I can never tire of their sweet fragrance. Each one is a delicate bloom, no matter if it is a formal garden or a wasteland. Their petals are delicate works of art and their hues are medicine for my soul. I guess it's not just me that feels that way though, we bring flowers into the hospitals and graveyards, we send them to express our love, we plant them in our yards though they bear no edible fruits. Our city spends thousands replacing them along the streets and as soon as they brown more are brought in. There is something about their beauty I need for my whole being, to be fully human, I wonder if we're all a bit like that. Without the flowers, it would only be concrete, and I think the drop in temperature would freeze my heart.

A bundle of flowers sit in the glass, wilting softly, but they are not as forgotten as they seem. In fact, quite the opposite. It's been days since they were carried to me, in calloused hands with the roots still trailing. I had smiled and filled a vase with water before proudly placing them at the front of the shop. Now they are brown and dropping petals, despite all my efforts. I look down for the casual confetti only to find a clean-swept floor. One of the other employees must have swept the floor before I got here. I leave them to rot in the garbage bag, no one will buy them if they aren't pretty and perfect.

I hear the small bell above the door ring, alerting me of a customer. I busy myself at the counter, waiting for the person to either ask for help or pick out their own and pay. The sound of a hand slapping on the counter causes me to jump, I force my lips to lift into a smile before I turn to face the person behind me. The man if anything is fitter looking than I expected. His face tells of a strong body beneath his wintry garb and his expression is serious but not unkind. Although the majority of his hair is black, a white streak makes up most of his bangs. As soon as he looks at me it is as if every ounce of breath is taken from my lungs floating into the air like smoke. His hair flops over his eyes giving him a look of shyness. 

"Have you seen a short snobby kid who is most likely the devil incarnate? Black hair, green eyes, shitty attitude and boasts about being the son of Bruce Wayne." He asks.

"Erm..." I mumble, shocked by the man's words.

"I don't have time for this!" He exclaims.

"Hey, just because I'm not the one you are looking for, doesn't mean you weren't supposed to find me," I reply.

"He's my little brother, well, kind of. I uh, misplaced the little brat." He continues.

"Wait, how do you misplace a kid?" I ask, astounded.

He shrugs before looking around the shop, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks as he looks back in my direction, he grins and I snap my head away, knowing that if I continued to stare I would get lost in his blue eyes. Not only my cheeks, but my whole face turns red.

"Hey, how do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?" He asks.

I wait for him to continue and explain the reasoning behind this but we just stand in silence. We are interrupted by the creaking of the door and the bell above it ringing. It opens slowly, revealing a young black haired boy, no expression on his face in greeting us. 

"Ok, you will need a bouquet of geraniums which is stupidity, foxglove which is insincerity, meadowsweet which is uselessness, yellow carnations which mean that the person has disappointed you, and orange lilies which are hatred. It will look quite striking and full of loathing." I laugh.

Leaning against the door, he has a raspberry-flavoured Popsicle sticking out from his mouth. His dark hair is slightly tousled, fairly tossed backward and uneven strands resting against his forehead. His eyes glance at me before focusing on the man standing in front of me. His lips forming an impressed smirk.

"Your knowledge of the flora you sell is quite extensive." He remarks.

The man in front of me groans and faces the small boy, obviously annoyed by the boy's appearance. I immediately realise this boy is who the man was looking for. I attempt to hide my laughter as they exchange quiet words with each other. I busy myself with creating the bouquet that the man had requested. The flowers carry an otherworldly trance. The sound of someone clearing their throat rips me out of the trance I was previously held in.

"How much for the flowers?" The man asks.

"Oh...uh, free." I stutter.

"Come on sweetheart, I'm more than happy to pay." He urges.

"How about you save that money and use it to...uh, take me on a date?" I bargain.

People think of laughing as a noise that comes from the mouth, but when he laughs it is nothing like that. The laugh is in his eyes, in the way his face changes into that vision of relaxed joy. The boy standing at the door doesn't even attempt to hide his thoughts as he groans rather loudly.

"Well, I can't say no to a pretty girl. I'm Jason, Jason Todd." He smirks.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." I mock with a grin.

He laughs once more, his deep chuckle lifting the spirit of the room. I scribble my name and number on a spare notepad then turn it towards him. He immediately rips the piece of paper from the notepad before writing his own information on the new piece.

"I will text you when I get off my shift and then we can arrange something." I giggle.

"Alright, Darlin'. See you tonight." He replies.

I can't resist finding him adorable, how can I not? Each word he says, each movement he makes, he just explodes with cuteness, I feel pumped, excited, more alive than I have ever thought possible. My body tingles from my head to my toes. I probably look like a small child with an, especially large Christmas present but I don't care. As soon as the door closes giggles erupt from me while I dance around on the spot. He has stolen my heart without even knowing it was in his pocket. Tonight has the potential to be the best night of my life.

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