A Duet To Remember (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hello! This is requested by @dipdipqe ❤️. Please watch the video I have added above so you can have a better understanding of the story...I guess. I honestly don't have much to say except that I hope you enjoy.
(Y/N) pov
When I tell people I am a dancer they will always react in one of two ways, either they'd wrinkle their nose and ruffle their eyebrows in disgust thinking that I really meant some type of stripper or they would widen their eyes a plaster on a strange Cheshire cat smile thinking I really meant some type of stripper. I know that's all they ever see. They can't see the old wooden floors and how sometimes if you did your pirouettes too fast they'd cut up the balls of your feet or how no matter how tightly you pull up your hair it would somehow always end up in this mutated half ponytail. Those people didn't know that in that dance room mirrors surrounded you. They couldn't see how many times I had fallen before I had landed my turn sequence. They just can't see.

But when he looks at me it is as if every ounce of breath has been taken from my lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. Every time he kisses me it feels like the world stops, leaving just the two of us to wander the earth together. Every time he holds my face between his hands it feels like he is untying all of my knots. Holding me for eternity in the arms I've grown so accustomed to. Dick and I support each other no matter the circumstances...I guess that's what makes us one of the most successful couples in Blüdhaven. While Dick was busy with whatever work he had gotten himself caught up in, I worked a stable job in a dance studio he bought for me. Every so often I'd get him to teach me new moves I could incorporate into my routines and he happily obliges but we have never gotten to perform a full routine together.

I decided I wanted to create a duet for my students to learn and place them with partners that I thought would move well with. Music fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every person in the room. A lively tempo can lift them, elevate the spirit, or move them to dance, while a slow one can relax the mood. Each of the student's eyes are cast upon me as I begin to show them the routine with one of the younger students. Some follow our movements while others just watch in awe with the hope they will be able to do the same thing in a few minutes. My movements flow with a dazzling grace that takes away the breath of every student. I can feel my soul becoming one with the music and I unleashed my emotions into my dance. My entire being moves with a purposeful clarity. With each stride I make, it becomes more painfully obvious how much heart I put into my routine unknowingly. I had honestly prepared this duet for myself and Dick but we were just too caught up in our own lives to practice. When we finish the dance the student and I are both slightly puffing with large smiles on our faces. My smile falls when I notice the many students distracted by a very familiar figure walking toward me.

"May I have this dance?" Dick asks while holding his hand out.

"Of course you may," I reply with a giggle.

My students huddle around us, whispering excitedly as the music begins to play. To dance is freedom, to dance is to become an opening flower. To feel the movement of Dick near me is a new breath for my body and nourishment for a soul so tired. I can dance until my sweat drips to the polished wood and my reflection shows pink cheeks. Our eyes shine with delight as I lean into Dick's body; he places his hand on my lower back and leg as I use his for support. We twirl and turn until the music begins to slow and the singer's voice begins to fade. I finish with my back turned to Dick but as I look back at him I notice he is on his on one knee and holds a small black box containing a ring.

"I can say one thousand things to try and convince you to marry me but there is still a possible chance you will say no. So I guess it's better to just get straight to the point and ask. (Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?" Dick says.

I've always been self-conscious when I cried but now I gave way to the enormity of the amount of happiness racing through my body. I sob into my hands and allow my tears to drip between my fingers, raining down onto the wooden floor. My breathing is ragged, gasping and the strength left her legs as I try to compose myself for an answer. I sink to my knees not caring about what anyone thinks. I nod my head and wipe the tears away trying to communicate my message.

"First of all, why in the world would you ever think I would say no? And second of all, of course, I will!" I answer excitedly.

Giggles erupt from within me as he slips the rings on my finger. A cheer erupts from the crowd around us as I am pulled into a passionate kiss by Dick. I wrap my arms around his neck and sway a few times trying to wrap my head around the idea that I am now his fiancé. I keep falling in love with him and each time is harder than the last. Every time the feeling gets deeper, more complete, more bewitching. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do to keep him safe. I look upon Dick's grinning face and realise that there will never be a day where I will see him and know what it feels like to stop falling.

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