How To Handle Rejection Part 2 (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hey guys!  I got nothing to say. 


Dick Grayson Pov

(Y/N) hardly leaves my mind, she's always there; mentally if not physically. She's always been my one stable force. I love her so much for that. I always know where I stand with her.  There has always been kindness in her smile, a gentleness, even when only moments before she had been angry. Though I have been through hell, she has ridden with me all the way, she came whenever I needed her.  There isn't a thing I wouldn't do to keep her safe. I approach her door with a bouquet of flowers in my hands. I remember all those countless times at the manor when I saw her standing down the hall and I couldn't breathe until I was with her. I imagine touching her (H/C) hair as I kiss her, telling her a funny joke and buying her an (F/D). I really am luckier than most. I knock on the door and straighten the wrinkles in my suit, excitement coursing through my veins. After a few seconds, I knock again, a little bit harder this time. To my surprise the door creeks open, revealing a trashed living room. I scan the room for any signs of (N/N) but only find a small white card lying on the table.

'I hid her while you were catching some Zs, look out the window, look out to the seas.'

"Shit!' I mutter.

I rush out the door with the card in my hand. These next few hours will either pass as a blip in the course of my life, or they will be the final trauma that breaks me. An image of (Y/N) flashes through my mind I have to swallow hard, will my eyes to remain dry and my mind focused. Just like Bruce taught me, detach yourself from the case. My hands slightly shake as I dial Bruce's number, knowing he could help. The dial rings once, twice, three times before going to message bank, I yell out a curse and hang up. I immediately dial Jason next whilst jumping on my bike, hastily connecting the call to my earpiece.

"This better be important Dick, I'm busy pretending Bruce cares about me." Jason answers.

"(N/N) has been kidnapped," I say.

"Spill," Jason immediately replies.

The things I feel I should have done dominate my mind. I think about my past actions and words, finding them inadequate. Festering guilt rendered my mind ineffective. I speed through the streets, catching Jason up on the situation. Tonight should have been perfect, our perfect night. We would have been sitting in the movie theatre, engrossed, barely noticing the popcorn that falls out of the bowl as we watched the movie. I grit my teeth as I burst into my own apartment, wasting no time as I change into my suit before heading towards Gotham Harbour. In the distance, I hear the roar of Jason's motorbike and the Batmobile as I near the harbour.

(Y/N) pov

Someone once told me I was strong. Sometimes, I think that I am. But on days like today, when my feelings overwhelm me, the word strong becomes insignificant, to the varying waves of emotion that engulfs me. In the unknown amount of time, I have been in here I have been lost in the tide and I caved, swept away by my fears. I am only human after all. Fortunately, I am not defined by my moments of weakness and fear but by the days when I muster the strength to rise above the tide. Already the air is stale and smells of sewage. At first, we had pounded against the walls and cried out, but the only reply was our echoes from the steel walls. Each one cried out for their mom's, their dad's and some prayed to their God. So far, no help has come. The older kids help to calm down the smaller ones but whenever a child becomes too distressed, they looked towards me for an answer.

 I'm not allowed to be afraid, not in front of the kids. I'm not allowed to show the tenseness that grows in my head and heart. I am supposed to be the "protector". I have to rise to their expectations; I need to stand tall no matter what comes my way. This means that I have to be strong, I have to push away my fears and find a safe way out of this container before something happens to us. The lights above start to flicker like an old movie reel. In this corrugated shipping container, the light is the only thing keeping these kids from losing their minds. Another scream echoes throughout the container, some kids groan and tell the child who is responsible to shut up whilst others try to comfort the poor kid. Much like the other kids, he craves the comfort of a mother. But I'm all he has...A nineteen-year-old university student who is desperately trying not to cry herself. 

Dick Grayson Pov

"Where is she?!" I exclaim.

"Who?" Riddler asks, feigning confusion.

"Stop fucking around Nigma, we know you took her," Jason interjects.

"Did you like my little note? You know, you should be proud of your gal pal, she's quite a fighter. She almost got away. The smart little thing had a (W/T) tucked away, got a hold of it when we were having a tussle. Quite the firecracker she is." He casually states.

Every time he opens his mouth I get angrier. He keeps his face neutral, but he is too smug. His lips twist into a half-smirk as he continues to talk about his scheme. I reached out, grabbing a hold of his shirt and slam him into the shipping container behind him. I land a solid punch on his jaw, right below his eye. I look down at the Riddler, he looks grotesque. Already his eyes are swollen over and bloody spit drooled from his slack jaw. I kick him in the midsection, which knocks the breath out of him.

"Where is she Nigma?" I ask once more, my teeth grinding.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you! Just stop hitting me. They're all in that container," He whimpers, pointing at the container suspended by the nearby crane.

With a wrinkled nose I take a step backwards, it is tempting to say a witty remark, that he was broken and I had won. Bruce hauls Riddler to his feet, roughly securing his wrists together with some cuffs. Before I can move, Tim has already begun moving the crane, carefully lowering it to the ground. Jason and I approach the doors with caution, the possibility of it being a trap of some sort cannot be ignored. After careful inspection we both deem it to be safe enough to open. The doors creak loudly, however, the scared chatter of children is louder. I survey the container, noticing the children gathered in a corner huddled behind (Y/N) as if she were their mother.

"Fancy seeing you here," Jason greets.

"Nightwing!" (Y/N) exclaims, her eyes lighting up.

The kids begin to exit, murmuring their thanks as they pass us, however, a few kids still linger behind her as if they were unsure that they are really safe. Without another word, she ushers them out, making sure no one was left behind. I notice some children playing with Jason whilst others attempt to with Damian.

"I hate kids," Damian grumbles, as one tries to cling to his leg. 

"Are you hurt?" I ask (Y/N).

"No, no. I'm fine. We're all fine." She replies, watching a few kids running around in glee.

"I'm glad," I nod awkwardly.

"I got a question though," (Y/N) sighs.

"Shoot," I reply.

"This doesn't count as our first date right? Like, it's iconic, but it all the wrong ways..." She laughs.

"What?" I mumble, flustered.

"I know it's you, Dick," She whispers.

"How?" I query.

"I'm just that good." She smirks.

"Yes, you are," I hum in agreement.

She looks up at me for a brief second before kissing me. As cheesy as it sounds, it's just like the movies. For that single moment, time stops, it's just me and her. And I love it. I love the way her small body melts into mine. She leans in, so her foreheads rests against mine. 

"Thank you," She whispers.

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