The Real Thing Part 5 (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hi! This was requested by @bikergirlforlife and uses no prompts but I did use the Arrow episode 16 from season 4 (Broken Hearts) as inspiration. So if you think a few things are familiar to you, that's what it'll be. There is also a Panic! At The Disco cameo type thing in this story as well...try to find it! I hope you like it! :)


Dick Pov

Another homicide to deal with instead of a warm bed, soft duvet and sweet moments with (Y/N). Can't the fine folks of Gotham city quit killing each other for a night or two? I slump forward, my head resting on my arms as my eyes settle on (Y/N) for a moment. For some reason, she had decided she would make herself a makeshift bed on the floor of the cave and stay here until I was done. Somehow, she had managed to actually fall asleep a few hours ago and now lays as still as a brick. She makes gentle snuffling noises as she breathes. Serenity is plastered across her face as she sleeps. So cute. My own sleep has deserted me almost entirely, I doze fitfully and wake before the sunrise. Maybe I should get Tim to hook me with some of his coffee.

"Have you found anything on the new archer?" Tim askes.

"I contacted Oliver and found out that he dealt with this archer a few years ago. Her name is Carrie Cutter but she calls herself Cupid when she is her alter-ego. She kidnaps high profile couples and shoots them with an arrow, usually, it's through the heart." I explain.

"Well, if she keeps targeting high-profile weddings, so we just have to stake out whatever the next one is," Jason shrugs.

"It's too risky, we'd be putting an innocent couple in danger." Tim shakes his head.

"We're not gonna take that risk with an innocent couple," Bruce announces.

I notice that everyone is now looking at me and almost immediately I know what they are thinking...shit.

(Y/N) Pov

I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Even though I had placed various pillows and soft blankets under me I can still feel the coolness of the ground beneath me. I harshly rub my eyes with my palms, yawning loudly. I sit up with a sigh before looking around and finding my boyfriend sitting in the same spot he had been before I had fallen asleep. Before Dick had just been here by himself while the others were on patrol but now they are all standing in a group talking quietly. I wrap one of the blankets around me and slowly get up from my makeshift bed. The sound of their hushed voices become louder as I approach the group of vigilantes. As soon as my presence is noticed the conversation they were once having stops immediately.

"Sorry, I didn't think I was interrupting." I apologise.

"Actually you came at the perfect time, Dick has something to ask you," Jason announces.

"Hey, we need to get married," Dick mumbles sheepishly.

"How romantic," I reply with a giggle.

My smile fades as I realise this wasn't some sort of joke. Almost everyone fidgets in awkwardness, not knowing what to say next. But I can't will my lips to move. As if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled. My mind is blank and I stare at him, waiting for an explanation. His eyes desperately search mine...I have to say something! I search my mind for something reasonable to say but nothing comes out.

"Tt. He's serious (L/N)." Damian scoffs.

 "We lost our lead on Cutter, (Y/N). This might draw her out." Dick informs me.

"Ok, let's do it," I reply.

"Wait, what?" Dick asks

"What do we have to lose? You guys get to catch a psychotic killer and I get to wear a pretty dress for five minutes and marry my boyfriend while wearing it." I reply happily.

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