We're From Gotham (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Okay, hi everyone! I'm kinda back...I'm so sorry for the unwarned silence as I'm approaching the last year of school and have had to put this on hold as I study and complete exams. Although I do have some time off now so I may be able to write a few stories. I promise I have not forgotten about your requests, I've just been busy and needed time to focus on my studies. I hope this is okay and you all are happy and healthy. I love you all and thank you for the support, thank you so much! Anyway, this was requested by @Multi-fandom-girl and uses prompt 21 "We're from Gotham" to Captain America. I hope you enjoy :)


(Y/N) Pov

Ever since I was a little girl, I've heard about New York City. My body tingles from my head to my toes. I catch a glimpse of myself in a passing car causing my grin to grow, I feel like a child on Christmas day. New York's weather has been so warm, unlike Gotham. The air here feels velvety against my skin and the clouds drift by carelessly. I smile, feeling the wind blow my hair into a tousled mane. I hang onto Jason's arm and huddle closer into his body. From the corner of my eye, I catch a young woman staring at us, her lank mousey hair falling in ribbons about her colour-drained t-shirt. Hundreds of people rushes by it, outside on the crowded street. The half a dozen customers glanced up as the door swung open, heralded by a blast of cold wind. A group of young women in their thirties collapse with helpless giggles as an attractive man walks past them. 

"So what do ya think?" He asks.

"I love the fact that we don't have to worry about the villain of the week crashing our date," I reply.

"Yeah, but I also like spending time with you," He grins.

Jason Todd Pov

Although her ears are hidden among the messy curls of her hair, it is obvious that they are as rosy as her face. I see her turn to hide in the most gentle way and chuckle. Honestly, falling in love with (Y/n) was like entering a house and finally realizing that I'm home. When she smiles at me I feel invisible hands embracing me, making me feel safe. When her eyes are locked on mine, it's like I can see galaxies instead of just pupils. Having her in my life makes me feel like everything's possible in this world like maybe I deserve just this little bit of good.

"What's that?" She asks.

"Hmm," I hum in response.

"The brown parcel in your hands," She giggles.

"Haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat?" I ask jokingly.

"Yes...but satisfaction brought it back." She quickly remarks.

"Alright if you really wanna know. I was planning on giving it to you tonight..." I admit.

"Why?" She asks.

"I don't know. It's a romantic gesture type of thing," I shrug.

"Boy, you know the only romantic gesture I need is a kiss." She smirks.

I gently kiss her on the cheek and hand it to her. She turns it over in her hands, letting her eyes roam freely over every inch of the brown paper concealing it. She raises her eyes to me, a small smile on her lips.

"What's the real reason?" She asks.

"Because I love you," I simply reply.

She takes her time unwrapping the present, grinning the whole time. Once again she turns it over in her hands, letting her eyes roam every inch of the old book I bought her. She delicately runs her fingertips over the faded blue binding. She opened the cover, the paper rustling as she thumbed through the book. Words appear and disappear as her eyes flick across the pages, quickly picking out anything that caught her eye. The new paper smell of the book is strangely at odds with it's old fashioned and battered cover, the lettering faded and tatty. 

Batboys x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin