You Call That A Disguise?! (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Okay, I'm in the middle of exam here's a story.....I think I need to re-evaluate my priorities but what's done is done. Anyhow, this was requested by @Fire_Dancer_Nix and uses prompt 5 "You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield? No. The answer is no. Fuck that with a capital F."...I hope this makes sense. I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are. XOXO


Damian Wayne Pov

In the gloom of the cafe our knees almost touch under the narrow table. I want to whisper to (Y/N), tell her the bad news gently. She deserves that. I have a whole conversation planned, a way to let (Y/N) know I am leaving. She must know it's coming too, I see the hurt welling in her eyes behind that smile. Her usual steady gaze flickers from me to the muck on our table, it had been left from the previous customers. I remove my elbows and sit a little straighter. From the corner of my eye, I notice an older woman staring at us, her blonde hair falling in ribbons about her blue dress, covering the name tag which says Jenna. (Y/N) politely smiles at her before turning the woman away, telling her we needed more time.

"It's over (L/N)...." I mumble.

"What are you talking about?" She asks, feigning innocence.

"Us. We're over (L/N). Don't talk to me again," I huff, standing up from my seat.

"No. Wait, stop!" She quickly exclaims, tears forming in her eyes "Please don't...please. I can change, I'll do better, I'll be better."

"Go home (L/N)," I urge her.

"Dami..." She whispers.

"I'm truly sorry (L/N)." I sigh, forcing back the urge to comfort her.

"I-I look at you and I—I'm home." She pauses and wipes away a tear "Please, I don't want that to go away," 

"I'm sorry beloved, but I do," I sigh.

She sniffs, wiping away her tears. "Well then, I hope I linger in your memory. I want you to think of me when you're driving down the street with some other girl in your passenger seat. I want you to wish I was there because she's not singing and she's not taking pictures of you. I want you to think of me when you finally sit down and have a home-cooked meal instead of something through the drive-through. I want you to think of me every time it rains. Every time you kiss her. I hope it drives you crazy. I hope you wish you had never let me go. Who am I kidding? I know you will. Because I was the best-goddamned thing that ever happened to you."

She takes her coat off the chair and storms out the door. As soon as it flies shut I want to call her back and wrap my arms around her. But I can't. I can't walk up to her slowly and pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her. I can't surround her in a warm embrace and I can't feel the world around me melt away as she squeezes me back.

*9 months later*

(Y/N) Pov

I am ripped from my sleep by my own stupid ringtone, it's loud and being woken up after my fight with Poison Ivy made me slightly irrationally irate. I lazily reach for my phone, not bothering to flick on my bedside lamp. I contemplate whether or not I should pick it up, however, that little bit of worry nibbles at me, who calls at three in the goddamn morning?! It's the abnormal hour that makes me pick up the phone, squinting at the screen in the dark. When I see the unknown number concern hits, cold and immediate. Stable people don't call at three in the morning. I mumble curses at whoever is calling, not even allowing them to speak before hitting the end button.

As I close my eyes I hear the sound of a window opening somewhere in my apartment. Can't I just get one night to myself? I grab the baseball bat from beneath my bed and quietly make my way to where the noise came from. I notice a black figure moving through my living room, I move to swing the bat but their reflexes are too fast. Their fist clenches around my forearm in an instant. They pull my arm forward and down until I'm off balance ad toppling towards them. In the midst of our scuffle, the light switch had been flicked on, revealing the intruder is Robin. His hood makes the rest of his features indistinguishable, apart from the white lenses in his mask.

"That was quite adorable," Robin smirks, "Would you like to try again?".

"Damian?!" I exclaim.

"How did you...?" He begins to question.

"You call that a disguise?!" I bitterly laugh.

"Well, it fooled everyone else!" He responds.

"Not to be clique but I'm not exactly everyone am I?" I spit.

"I would appreciate it if you would calm yourself. We need to have a conversation," He pauses "I am aware of your recent escapades and need your assistance...".

I can't resist the bittersweet laughter from escaping my lips, "You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield? No. The answer is no. Fuck that with a capital F." 

"(L/N)! Don't be ridiculous!" He scoffs. 

"No, no, no, no. You broke me, you broke my heart...and I hate you because I still love you and-and I hate myself even more for it.  If I let you in one more god damn time..." I rant.

I'm quiet for a long moment. Some days I blame him, other days, I blame myself. Some days I chalk it up to us being two people who simply didn't work out. Some days I can't stand the thought of him, other days, he's all I want to think about. Some days I ask God to hurry up and take him out of my me fall out of love. Heat floods my cheeks. I open my mouth to tell him to forget I said that, but he speaks before I do.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Like hell." I scoff.

It's stupid but I still remember the feeling I had towards him when we first met. I thought he was amazing. Stupid, I know. I remember talking on the phone with him and telling stories, I remember him telling me that he hated Cheerios and I disagreed with him but I knew I really liked him, and I never wanted to mess anything up because I didn't want to lose him. He made my heart flutter and I'd always get butterflies when I saw his name pop up on my screen, there was no better feeling. It's stupid but I miss that.

"Listen (L/N), some criminals have your sister captive, we don't have much time to save get your things and let's go." He instructs.

"Give me five minutes," I immediately respond.

She attracts disaster wherever she goes. She has car accidents, she looses per passport while abroad and gets involved with criminals. I think there's part of her that thinks she can rescue everyone. I tell her she's stupid and she melts me with a grin that takes me back to when we were kids. She did everything first, cut her own path, she didn't listen to Mom or Dad one bit and I thought it was great. Now that we're adults though, our lives have separated in too many ways. But, there will never be a day where I wouldn't hesitate to risk my life for hers...we're family after all.

"Hold on Artemis, I'm coming for you," I mutter. 

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