Cheated (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Hi! So I'm sick and have a ton of homework but here's this monster of a story. This was requested by @kikkan24 and uses prompt 5 (You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield? No. The answer is no.) As always, I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are.


Bruce Wayne Pov

She looks at me like a stranger, yet worse. Instead of the fragile soul I have loved for so long I see an enemy. I never sought to hurt her. Her eyes are cold like I've never seen and her features immobile. I hurt her. I pull with one hand - push away with the other. I know what I was doing but I don't stop. I knew it was wrong but I didn't stop.  I remember how Selina's lips would brush mine each time we would meet up. Not innocently like (Y/N)'s, it was a hot, fiery, tease, demanding more from me. Every time I want to push Selina away before I lose myself but I never do...In those moments, my senses are seduced and I can no longer think straight. Regret washes over me like long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave is cold and shivers run down my spine. There is no way back to redemption. There is no way to make it right. 

(Y/N) saw a part of me that I never wanted to let out of the bag. I fell for her harder than a fall from a ten-story building; She is funny, always cracking jokes to offset my stoic nature. At every event we attend together men and women flock to her like she is the only light in the room, hanging on her words. After a time I wanted more than the "happy girl" persona, I already loved her, I wanted to get to know the woman behind the jokes. At first, she distracted me with jokes and I followed each one, laughing down every blind alley. Then one day Alfred asked me some things about her: where she grew up, what her parents are like, who her best friends are, and I froze. After six months I knew nothing about her, she was a complete puzzle to me. So, instead of conducting thorough research on her like I usually would...I sat with her. Reached out and invited her to reciprocate, to make that connection. Never did she withdraw or flinch away from me but instead, smile and told me about her past.

But as I quickly approach the Batcave, I can't help but think of how (Y/N) would react if she found out I was cheating on her. I think of how her eyes would shift to the side, unable to meet mine whilst becoming glazed with a glossy layer of tears. How each time she would blink, the tears would drip from her eyelids and slide down her cheeks. How she would bite her lip tightly in an attempt to hide any sound which may try to escape her mouth. With each thought, my heart sinks. The thing between Selina and I, it needs to stop. It has to stop.

The alert in my cowl flashes for a short moment and a text from (Y/N) comes into view.

(Y/N) :) : Hi Honey! I'm heading to bed now but happy to report that nothing too hectic happened on my side of Gotham tonight. Just a few thieves and fights, nothing I couldn't handle. I'll see you when you get home, I love you. Stay safe.

Batmom out xx

 I would defend her with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. I know her eyes can see through me, but I know they do not dwell on the anger, nor the deceit, nor the selfishness. She looks past every flaw to find the person inside, the real me. Is this something she would be able to look past?

(Y/N) Pov

I rub my fingers along the silken mattress. I press my cheek to the cool, velvet pillows. The comforter is thick and irresistibly soft, like a billowing cloud. I topple into it, relieved to rest my weary feet. Warmth enveloping me. I feel myself quickly succumbing to the call of sleep but the vibrating of Bruce's phone jerks me awake. I groan and roll over, mindlessly grabbing the phone from his nightstand. One of the boys must need something. Or maybe the guys at Wayne Enterprises might want something. 

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