Don't Lie, You Love Me (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Hey, so I'm kinda back...I'm not sure what I'll be doing with this book but I just had to do something to get my mind off a few things and apparently this was an answer. The short story is, I kinda fell in love with someone in the past few months and they ended up not returning my feelings. So after a lot of crying and a bit of ice cream I found myself here. This was requested quite a long time ago by @Astrobean12  and  uses prompt 12 ( A: "Ugh, I hate you." B: "It's not good to lie to yourself") and 25 ( A: "Are you decent?" B: "Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking."). I hope this is alright and you enjoy it. Sending out all my love to you guys and I hope you are all okay and healthy. Thank you for supporting me and my writing and I love you all so much.


Jason Todd Pov

The day I met her, I had no idea this would be how it would turn out. I didn't know I was going to fall deeply in love with time progressed, I knew I could give my heart to her...everything about her makes me feel the most comfortable I've ever been. Not just her presence but her actions, her words, the way she makes me feel. The way she treats those around her. I listen to the gentle patter of rain on the roof and thunder rumbling from far away.  I gently peel her off my body and tuck her back into the duvet, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I glance over my shoulder and watch her for a moment. I notice how her breathing changes slightly. Her eyes are still shut but I know she's awake. I smirk as I rejoin her on the bed, encasing her in my arms and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning beautiful," I chuckle.

"Morning Red," She murmurs softly, opening her eyes slightly.

Alluringly, she blinks her eyes from time to time, allowing her eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. My god, her eyes are simply spellbinding. Each one holds a coruscate gleam that enhances their beauty.

"You wanna come for a run with me darlin'?" I ask with a teasing tone.

"Nope," She replies, burying herself deeper into the bedsheets.

"If you loved me you would come..." I bargain.

"I actually  hate you..." She replies.

"It's not good to lie to yourself my dear" I continue to tease her.

"I'm not lying to myself, my dear...I'm just using you for my own convenience," She states, emphasising my term of endearment with sarcasm.

"hmm, and what convenience do I offer you?" I ask, smirking slightly.

"Food, an apartment and amazing sex. In that exact order." She immediately replies.

"I would have thought the sex came first." I chuckle.

(Y/N) Pov

He throws the blankets off. I immediately feel the warmth of sleep slipping away. I smoosh my face into the pillow, my jaw at an uncomfortable angle. I stay like that for a short while before speaking to Jason, eyes on his bare chest. Last nights events run through my head, causing a bright red blush to appear on my cheeks. He is my drug. One-touch and the intoxication is instant.

"I think we should revise your little list..." He grins, his body now hovering over mine.

I feel his hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with my neck. His hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulls me close to his pine-scented body before pushing me to the side. I hit the ground with a soft thud causing a groan to escape my lips.

"You are one of the worst human beings I've ever met..." I huff, throwing on some activewear and shoes.

"Now you know that's a lie...You've met Bruce."He replies.

"Whatever, I'm gonna grab a coffee," I yawn.

"You don't need a coffee to work out (Y/N)," He shakes his head.

"If I don't have a coffee I will hurt someone, do you wanna be a victim?" I snap.

"You're four foot fuckin' three woman! You slapped a mosquito once and it slapped you back, relax!" He groans.

"I hate you..." I whisper.

"And I heard that." He replies.

"Of course you did," I groan.

"I heard that too!" He calls out.

"Smartass," I mutter under my breath.

"You love my ass." He chuckles.

Caffeine, the addictive drug that calls us to crave more of drinks that are less flavoursome than soup, it sends my brain into a scattered and distracted pattern the more I drink. Perhaps in this way, it is similar to alcohol, though this is an upper and the other a downer. They both appear as a benefit if the consumption is mild, one to bring a feeling of energy and the other a feeling of calmness... yet in excess, they are both a distraction that brings the brain into dysfunction. I stare into the mug, slowly breaking out of the trance it has so easily captured me in. I make my way back to the bedroom to notice the door had been closed.

"Are you decent?!" I call out, nursing my full cup of coffee in one hand with care.

"Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking." He replies.

"Alright dumbass let's go for your stupid jog then." I sigh, drinking the last remaining bit of the warm beverage."

"You seem to have an obsession with my ass this morning." He jokes.

*Time Skip*

I follow Jason's gruelling pace with complaint. The warm humidity of the makes me feel sticky and suffocated. My clothes and hair, slick with perspiration, cling to my skin. Sweat rolls down my skin in thick, salty beads. I can feel my heart throbbing inside my chest. I feel like I am roasting. I settle to stumbling along behind him as fast as I can. I am vaguely aware of the stinging in my legs. I pant as I wipe my mouth on my sleeve. I can only imagine how badly I stink. Finally, we reach a small stream. Jason stops, turning around and watching me as I approach. My lungs feel like they will burst and my throat is so dry. I fall to my knees, ignoring Jason laughing at my pain. I lift my wrist up, checking all the statistics my watch displays.

"Look, Jay, I burnt two hundred calories!" I grin, turning my wrist towards him.

"That's your heart rate." he chuckles.

"Yeah, that checks out." I nod panting.

"You're such a dumbass." He chuckles lightly.

"Oh! I see you have developed an obsession with my ass now" I snarkily reply.

"How could I not when it looks that good?" He asks.

"I hate you." I groan.

"Don't lie to yourself sweetheart. You love me." He grins.

"I guess I do." I smirk, planting a kiss on his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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