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So here are a few prompts that I think would be cool to do. Please comment which ones you want done with the character name. I will try to do updates asap. There will also be minimal author notes or smut stories due to my hatred of them both. I would also appreciate if there was no hate on these stories just constructive criticism. That would be awesome. Also, none of the prompts are mine I found them on Tumblr. Sorry, I'm done now....let's get this mess of a show on the road.

1. Do I look like I give a fuck?
2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again for taking advantage of my compassionate and forgiving nature! How dare you.
3. Me? Overreacting? Probably.
4. I used to be passive aggressive, but now I'm aggressively passive. Don't mess with me kiddo. I'll be right here. I'll fucking forgive you.
5. A: What are you doing?
B: Avoiding.
A: Avoiding what?
B: Everything.
6. This was impulsive. Probably shouldn't have done it. WHO CARES?
7. You're really cute and it's ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.
8. A: It's okay, I'm not mad.
A (5 mins later): Actually? You can go to Hell.
9. I hate people who get personally offended when I'm in a bad mood like I'm not mad at you (name), I'm mad at the world!
10. A to A: Bitch, if you actually applied yourself in like...anything, you'd be dangerous, damn my lazy ass.
11. I don't know what I'm feeling, but there's a lot of it.
12. Not to dictate your life, but drop your shitty friends.
13. That sounds like responsibility and I want no part in it.
14. Why am I better than everyone? Jesus, life's hard.
15. A: How do you make someone holy?
B: You beat the hell out of them.
16. If anyone can do it, then someone who isn't me can do it.
17. In the old days of one week ago things were different. Now look at us - slightly older than we were back then, other clothes and such.
18. I'm not going to claim that I know everything, I'm simply going to act like it.
19. If I don't learn anything from my mistakes then I don't have to consider them mistakes in the first place.
20. Why the hell is there always this one weak bitch in the group that isn't down with murder? No offence though.
21. A: What are you reading?
B: 10 tips for beautiful hair the Government doesn't want you to know.
A: What the fuck?
22. A: I'm tired of these constant near-death experiences.
B: (optional) don't be a whiny bitch, bitch.
23. Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough.
24. I hate it when I'm really nice...And then people are just not that nice? Like what the fuck.
25. You know, having feelings is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch.
26. If I go to Hell I'm gonna constantly torture everyone by continuously asking if it's hot in here or is it just me.
27. Oh my God are you seeing this shit?
28. Graduated top of my class from Hogwarts school of bitchcraft and misery.
29. Well, well, well, if it isn't my old friend, the dawning realization that I fucked up real bad.
30. Emotions? You know, I just push my tear back into my eye and tell it "Not now, you little bastard!".
31. Are we gonna hold hands, or what?
32. Which is messier - my life or my hair?
33. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to know wHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.
34. I'm sorry, you must be at least level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory.
35. My therapist once told me that I have this obsession with seeking revenge...we'll see about that.

36. Let me sleep in your stupid t-shirts and hold your dumb hand, you piece of shit.
37. Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot.
38. A: It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside...
B: Whew!!! good
A:...It's who you are on the inside!
B: Ah, fuck!
39. A: Your future self is watching you right now through your memories.
B: Not if I get drunk enough.

40. A: Is there a word between angry and sad?
B: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.
A: Smad.
B: Oh my God.
41. You know it's really rude to talk while I'm interrupting.

42. Is "no" an emotion, because I feel it?

43. A: You wear that a lot.
B: That's because I'm the main character of the story here, peasant.

44.  I don't "dress to impress", I dress to depress. I want to look so good that people hate themselves.

45. Forgive and forget? More like resent and remember.
46. A: That's a really good cosplay...almost like the real thing.
B: Sweetheart, I am the real thing.

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