The Water Fountain (Tim Drake x Reader)

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Mmkay, here we go...another story. So, this was requested by @1-800-URANIA as well as @Shove-a-cupcake and uses prompt 7 (You take me instead, do you hear me? Give her back and take me instead.) and prompt 15 (She deserves better than me.). So, I kinda used the song Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin as inspiration, its an interpretation...Enjoy! Anyway, I love you, I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are.


Tim Drake Pov

The water moves softly around my outstretched fingers, caressing cooly, eddying in their wake. I pull my hand out and watch the drips, both transparent and opaque at the same time. They fall as if snatched by gravity, each one swiftly haloed by ever-growing rings, distorting the pebbled floor. In the breeze my hand is cold, yet my back is warmed by the early summer sun. With a sigh, I glance at my phone and check the time, she's been missing for eight hours, the fact that I have a photo of the two of us set as my background rubs it in a little more.

Grief washes over me like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. If she knew I was this distressed she'd probably sigh lecture me. Saying something like, "Worrying means you suffer twice,". I can't express how I wish I could go back and take a different path, save her. I envy the floor beneath my feet, hard and lifeless.


I should have protected her...

I should have dropped the hero act and lived a normal life with her. I should have built a house with her, had a family with her, I should have protected her. That smile. The deep curve of her lips and the almost non-existant dimples on her cheeks had the ability to stop the world around her. How can one girl's smile bring back a million brilliant memories in a split second? An exhausted laugh leaves my lips, only moments before the picture was taken had she confessed to hating her laugh, but each time I heard that adorable giggle and the occasional snorting, I fell a little more in love with her.

"I love you." She hummed that day.

Her kisses caused my brain to light on fire and warmth to spread throughout my entire body. To be honest, I am addicted to her, I can't bare to be without her and I can hardly breathe when she is around. Her kisses are my salvation and my torment. I live for them and I know I will die with the memory of them on my lips. From the moment she first kissed me, I dedicated my life to her, then and there. I knew that if I lost her I would lose myself too. Until then I honestly never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate and electrifying. She is the half that makes me whole. I am jolted out of my daze as my phone rings, Dick's name running across the top of my phone. I pick it up, desperate for any news on (Y/N)'s whereabouts.  

"What have you got?" I immediately ask.

"Tim, Bruce believes Joker has (Y/N) at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham," Dick announces.

"Send me the location and I'll meet you there," I respond.

"It'll be alright Tim, she'll be okay," Dick tries to reassure me.

*At Abandoned Warehouse*

The building on the hill has been hazardous for generations. Hardly any Gothamites know who owns it or why it hasn't been either demolished or refurbished. It is a gaunt shell of a mansion. The windows are mostly broken, but once they had been fancy mullioned sash types. Where there is still glass it is grey with the grime of twenty years. The door had once been thick and oak with a brass knocker, but a few years back on Halloween some of the local kids had taken it off and after dousing it in kerosine set fire to it. Now the wind blows right in, whistling up the corridors, adding real damp from the driven rain to the rising damp that crept slowly up the wallpaper, making it peel. 

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