Love Conquers All (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Hello again! I know, long time without a chapter...I got busy and needed a break. I'm sorry for not telling you guys. Anyway, onto the goodish stuff...This was a mix of two requests by @Lake_Wyvern and @TheBrokenCharacter and uses prompt 20 "A: Hand over the girl. B: That's not gonna happen in your lifetime.", prompt 9 "Get away from her before I break every bone in your body." and prompt 7 "You take me instead, do you hear me? Give her back and take me instead.". I hope you enjoy this.


Unknown Pov

That warm, raspy voice of his at night, sent nerves dancing up my spine. His smile sent my mind into an uncontrolled, captivated spiral and his light touch lingered, it branded my soul with a simple mark: infatuation. To call it love would be a mockery of my heart, a symbol of my dying innocence. But every tempered word he spoke invaded my mind, like ivy tendrils seeking any point of weakness to enter; they wrapped my body in a blanket of comfort and consumed my soul in the heat of lust. There isn't a moment that Damian Wayne al Ghul isn't in my thoughts. Many nights he is there in my dreams, always out of reach just like in real life. I'd give anything to replace that skank who hangs onto his arm so desperately. We'd be so much better together, the ultimate power couple. 

I adjust my ball gown and smooth my brown wig back. I remove the vial of poison from my purse. In seconds the contents are swirled into the glass of (F/D). I gaze at Damian for a moment, I try so damn hard for him to love me as much as he loves that girl, but that can't happen until that girl is out of the way. I love him so much. That the reason as to why Talia gave me this task, she sees this girl as much of a pest as I do. We agree that I am the perfect fit for him, the perfect partner to rule the world with.

(Y/N) Pov

Everyone wants me here at the gala, a smile painted on my face and a glass of (F/D) in my hand. I love them all, I do, but all I want is to lie with Damian beneath a warm duvet and listen to the beating of his heart. These galas take so much out of me and Damian is the only one who gives back what I need. I've never been very good at socialising with people like this. But being near Damian makes this so much easier, he quietly stands by my side to support me. I can always tell him when I'm uncomfortable and he'll always have my back. He never made fun of me or made me feel bad for my nerves, instead, he makes me laugh, he makes me forget my worries. He doesn't just love me, he appreciates my existence. 

Damian is quieter than usual tonight. I'm used to the long tales, the rambling, the quick wit. I bite my inner lip for just a half-second before sitting next to him, flicking my hair away from my face, hoping it hasn't messed with my makeup. He speaks before I get the chance. 

"I love you." He murmurs.

There's something that worries me, this isn't Damian. He isn't usually direct like this. But he speaks again.

 "I love you, (Y/N). I love you with everything that I am but I am scared that if you stay with me you'll die. I don't know what I would do if you died,"

"This is scaring me a little Dami...what are you talking about?" I ask.

He looks away, I know his eyes are full of emotion he doesn't want to share.

"I can't protect you when the league comes for us, (Y/N). I'll be helpless and I'm so afraid. I'd rather put myself in the firing line rather than have you there just once. I've witnessed what my mother does to those who she dislikes, she's ruthless." His voice trails off. 

"Damian, I'm safe here. As long as I'm by your side I'll always be safe. Your mother wouldn't dare touch me." I reply.

There is so much in Damian's silence, so much he just won't say. I can see by his expression there's a lot going on in his head. Beneath my feet, the floor feels soft, not as much as even a firm carpet, but not right for oak planks. My head becomes foggy, like that time I drank too much alcohol, but I haven't drunk a drop. It's as if every eyelash weighs more than it should and gravity has been turned up tenfold. My eyesight blurs, but not because tears were welling up. I stumble forward, and with each step, my stomach tightens and ached all the more.

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