Lilo and Stitch (Jason Todd x Reader)

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I'm on such a writing high right now! I'm so happy with how these a turning out! So this was requested by @Ladyshadowfist. The prompt is number 11 (It's cute you think you can intimidate me.).
(Y/N) pov
I stand outside the bank, my new recruits are ashen- first job nerves, how "cute." I stare at them for a moment, then let my usual charm drop. A glimpse at the woman behind the mask generally let them know that backing out wasn't an option. I never usually did that until I got some dirt on them, once I knew of something they were ashamed of. But there is no need to be nice anymore. Kids can be so dumb. Listen to their whiny bull-crap for just an hour and usually, you had enough to get them to do anything. I'd promised them most of the money and that this would be their only job. Both lies. Although today is the final test for them and its the biggest job they have done yet. You either make it or break it in this life. For a moment I let myself slip into the past and relive those happy days where my boyfriend Jason stood by my side. This was for him and all those other kids who were forgotten by the world.

The robbery is planned in just the same way as I plan my shopping trips - detailed and ambitious. I try to be an ethical thief, people admire Robin Hood, right? I'm not stealing to sell it, or buy drugs or be bad. It's just that my wages don't buy clothes and a roof and heating and pay all the taxes and bills. There are guys a block away that pull 300 an hour when I scrape 10. How are they worth 30 times more than me? Seriously? So I steal. It ain't a luxury; it's survival and if you don't like it you can stick it because we do what we gotta do. The members in my group are carefully handpicked from the streets, they are always the best ones. But lately, small screwups are costing me my most valuable members. Our group of twenty turned to five in only a matter of days when Red Hood came to town. I guess Red Hood had figured out who to take down first to make my group as harmless as possible while I'm in charge.

With a whispered voice I show them how to operate the digital lock pick for future operations when I'm not around. The lock buzzes softly and the small red light flashes green beside it. Why do they make it so easy these days? Sometimes I miss the difficulty. My hand hovers over the gun strapped to my side as a type of reassurance. Kill or be killed. The team and I move silently through the bank in search for the money we need. We only take what won't be noticed and what we need. I point at the two closest to me and signal for them to fan out and search the area for any intruders while the rest of us do our work.

My eyes sweep the dim room looking for the large door of the vault they would hold our prize. The rays of Gotham's moonlight shines down into the room through the windows above us. Although Gotham has a  beautiful night sky the stars don't litter it like they do in other places. One of the boys accompanying me waves his hand to tell us he found it. I place the lockpick from before in his hand and guide him through the process. The vault makes a small click as he opens the door, the sound must have echoed because a few seconds later I hear another quiet click. My eyes sweep through the dim room once more in search for what made the other click sound just to make sure we are safe. I turn back to the boys who are quietly whispering to each other while they fill their bags full of money. The missing money will be noticed tomorrow but we need it. Hopefully, they will blame it on one of the more known criminals of this city instead of people like me. My hand now rests in the gun at my side and I signal for the highest ranked boy to take over while I look around. I can't lose another team member, I can't lose more of my 'family'.

I sneak through the dark halls looking for my other men. If someone else is here we need to stick together. I stumble across the two boys lying on the ground in a puddle of what seems to be their own blood. I bite my lip tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from my mouth; my heart starts to sink. My eyes shift to the side and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As I blink, they drip from my eyelids and slide down my cheeks. I rush back to the boys I left alone to see they are dead as well. They were too young to die like this.

The sound of someone whistling causes me to spin around with my gun pointed in front of me. I scowl when my eyes land on the man wearing the red helmet. I switch the gun off safety and plant my feet in the ground. If I am going to die tonight at least I will be looking into the eyes of my murderer, Red Hood.

"I didn't think criminals like you cried." He teases.

"I didn't think I would ever meet someone as heartless as you are Red," I reply sharply.

My mindsflashes back to the boys lying on the floor. I should have been wiser, I should have taken more care when planning this out. Why didn't I know this would happen? Red Hood leans against the wall with what seems to be a carefree aura surrounding him. He knows I won't shoot. He returns to a standing position and strides toward me. My finger tightens on the trigger.

"I swear to god if you take one more step I will shoot you!" I yell.

"(Y/N) it's cute you think you can intimidate me. But you won't shoot, I know you better than you do sweetheart." He says.

I try to keep a blank face but I have never been good at masking emotions in situations like this. Red Hood continues to walk toward me until we are almost a foot apart. I bit the inside of my cheek and keep my finger on the trigger. Why would he know anything about me? Someone like him would never have had to live on the streets, not knowing if they would eat that day. How could he understand? After all, its kill or be killed these days and people like him don't last on the streets.


He looks down at me and reaches for the gun. I jerk it to the side and finally tug on the trigger. A gunshot would once make me jump, make me pay attention, not anymore. Now they are as ubiquitous as Gotham's dreadful weather. The shots will ring out usually at night in short bursts, skirmishes measured in minutes rather than hours. They have become the soundtrack to my everyday life.


The sound of my gun firing makes me jump, makes me wake up and see what I am doing. My hands shake as I toss the gun away from me and fall to my knees. I have lost my family, the love of my life, my innocence...I lost everything that ever actually mattered to me. I don't weep in pity for myself, I don't scream or hit Red Hood. All I do is sit and stare at my hands blankly. This is my fault, not Red Hoods.

My fault.

It's all my fault.

Red Hood crouches next to me and sighs quietly. Why doesn't he just shoot me? The sound a hissing causes me to look at Red Hood in curiosity. Instead of the red helmet, he had on previously I am met with a familiar face. All I can do is stare at him. The only things that have changed since the last time I saw him are his age and the white streak running through his hair. I can't seem to take my eyes away from the face I used to know and hell...still love.

"Jay?" I ask quietly.

Before I know what I'm doing I latch onto him with all the strength I have left. This can't be real. This is a dream that I can't wake up from, just a dream. Jason gently wraps his arms around me and whispers quiet loving words into my ear. I don't count the minutes we stay there holding onto each other but it feels too short. Tears flow down my cheeks for the ones I lost but also for the one I found. My mind replays a memory from our time together as kids.

"You're like Lilo and I'm like Stitch..." I tell him.

"Because even when we're lost we will always find each other." He finishes for me.
End of flashback:

I guess in the end we did find each other.

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