What Happens At College (Tim Drake x Reader)

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Hi! This was requested by @A_Freak_From_Gotham. It is based off prompt 21 (Listen, we may not get along very well, but, that was actually pretty badass what you just did.). Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to request as well!
(Y/N) pov
The halls are crowded with people, and the chaos is so perfect, like a movie. There is the couple that seems to be always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There is the aerospace tech kids who never do anything but make paper aeroplanes and the fashion kids that wheel mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. There is no way I would be getting to class on time in I go this way. I sigh and head back outside to find some other route to my classroom.

As I approach the building my class is going to be held in I notice my professor. He is one of those professors that we could never get the better of. Whatever witty retort we had, he had one better. He took our disobedience and turned into an advantage for himself, but not through belittling us or stamping authority. He checked our behaviour with a style of humour we can relate to, aspire to even. When he teaches us it's with the passion of a lifelong professor, someone who lived to inspire a love of learning in the next generation. Even if I tried to sprint that far I wouldn't make it on time. He glances over to me and smirks as he points to his watch as a taunt. I hate being late and he knows it.

I examine the building and determine I should be able to climb it with little struggle. I'm gonna give this professor a run for his money. I rush over to the side of the building and adjust my bag so it won't fall off while I climb the tall building. I look around and see a security guard watching me closely. I grin and salute him as I sprint toward the building and start to climb. I hear the security guards yells from below but I keep climbing, if I paid to go to a college like this I am not wasting my money.

I reach the open window to see it was the wrong class. I edge my way over to the next window and tap of the glass with the hope that I would be let in by one of the students in my class. The whole classes attention becomes directed at me causing my face to heat up. No one moves. I gesture for the window to be unlocked finally getting my message across to one of the boys I sort of knew, Tim Drake. Of course, it had to be him. I've heard girls often speak of the colour of his eyes as if that were of importance. From them comes an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness. Perhaps this is what is meant by a gentleman, not one of weakness but politeness.

He helps me into the classroom and then he gives me a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that an unexpected warmth rushes through me. I mutter a quick thanks and immediately find my seat. The door to the classroom and our professor strides in with a satisfied smirk on his face. His eyes sweep through the classroom and the smirk that was once occupied his face had vanished as he stares at me.

"How the hell d..." he starts to say.

He is cut off by the door slamming open and a large man wearing a security uniform storms in. His face is red from his breaths come out laboured. I cover my mouth trying to hide my laughter as he points over in my direction.

"STOP DOING THAT!" He yells.

I nod and bite my lip in an attempt to look serious. That probably won't be the last time I pull a stunt like that. As soon as the security guard leaves the whole class erupts into laughter. A few students slap my back in a type of congratulations and the professor shakes his head. The rest of our lesson was spent working on our assignments and studying for upcoming tests. As soon as we are released students immediately file out of the room. As I pack up my things I notice someone standing near me out of the corner of my eye. I turn around and smirk as my eyes land on Tim.

"Listen, we may not get along very well, but, that was actually pretty badass what you did." He says.

A laugh escapes my lips and I feel my cheeks heating up for the second time in this hour. Of course, it has to be the boy everyone wants for either fame or money.

"I don't like being late to class," I reply.

I pick up the rest of my things and quickly escape before I make even more of a fool out of myself. Who would even say that? Of course, I had heard about his adoptive father's reputation but I wonder if he's the same.

Batboys x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ