Caught In The Act Part 3 (Dick Grayson x Reader)

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Hi! How's everyone doing? Anyway, this was requested by @PunkMewtwo and uses no prompts. I hope you enjoy! Please watch the video linked above (It gives you an idea of the dance I attempted to write about). 


(Y/N) Pov

To me, marriage isn't about the rings or the paper which is signed. Our marriage will not be something endured but savoured. It will be the union of two hearts beating as one, each that will sacrifice for the other's happiness and wellbeing. 

Ever since Dick and I met our love has been sweet, yet more as fresh fruit than candy or some confectionary. Our love is colourful, yet more as summer blooms than the neon lights of frenetic city streets. Love is steady and forgiving, yet more as the wise mother than the servant in chains. Love hears and speaks with the wisdom of the heart, with a sense of the soul of the other. In love we have our "forever home" and it gives us the ability to fly so freely, joyfully returning when each heart calls for the other's touch. Dick and I listen to the excited chatter of our guests from behind the large doors of the reception. I push the doors open slightly, watching the children run between the tables in a good-natured game of tag. 

Then we enter, applause spreads across the large room. There is the scraping of chairs as guests get up for a standing ovation as we make our way to the head table, smiling and holding hands. We sit in front of a bouquet of baby pink roses and Dick leans in for a kiss. There are cheers and someone whoops. 

I take a piece of fresh, warm bread and bring it to my nose, inhaling deeply. It smells rich, promising a delightful taste. Picking up a knife, I apply copious amounts of yellow butter. I rip off a chunk, stuffing the piece into my mouth before offering a piece of it to Dick. He smiles as he rips a piece of bread off of the original piece. As I look out at our guests I notice that almost every food I can think of had been aesthetically placed on the tables throughout the room. There are countless cheeses, slices of bread, vegetables, sweets, waterfalls of wine, and streams of spirits that flicker with flames. Honestly, Bruce had seriously outdone himself. Ever since we announced our engagement, Bruce and Selina had insisted that they pay for the whole wedding. Well, Selina had made the decision and Bruce just kinda rolled with least, that's what Dick told me anyway. The toastmaster rises from his chair and everyone else sits down. The sound of his teaspoon rapping on the side of his wineglass signals everyone to silence, except the children who are shushed by their parents. 

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to clear the floor and take a seat as the new couple begin their first dance as husband and wife!" The toastmaster announces.

Before I know it, it's time for our first dance. I am a girl no longer and new standards are expected of me. The bruises from my latest sparring session with Dick, lie unseen beneath my flowing dress yet I have no regrets. Not even one. Dick and I move like water, flowing in graceful arcs. We giggle quietly as both of us mouth the words to the songs that play. For the most part, it feels as if only Dick and I are in the room. With each twirl and dip, our eyes never leave each other. His head tilts to one side and a smile plays on Dick's lips. 

As time passes people begin to join us. The large space is filled with everyone who is able to dance, leaving only a few older people to sit and watch. I notice Jason approaching us causing me to break away from Dick and meet Jason with a warm embrace.

"Hi, Darlin'." He smiles.

"Hey, Jay!" I reply.

"You look beautiful," He compliments.

"Thank you!"

"Dick's lucky to have you, you know that right?" He asks.

"Jason, anyone is lucky to have me," I sass.

"That's my girl!" He laughs.

I wrap my arms around his neck and softly sway as we continue to talk. The conversation brings something to the surface, an emotion, a spark of sadness. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh quietly, remembering the days when we roamed the streets together. Wherever we got caught I always got leniency from the cops and he got the full whack of the law every time. No matter what happened, then and now, Jason is always right by my side. I couldn't ever ask for someone better as a friend. He is fiercely loyal and a little overprotective, a mix of annoying yet reassuring.

"What's wrong?" He murmurs.

"It's just...I don't know what I'll do if something happens to Dick. I know that I chose this life with Dick...but I'm scared that something's going to happen to him," I explain.

He places his hand under my chin, tipping my head so my eyes meet his. The icy blueness generates a feeling like I am being pulled into a lake of emotions. It is like all the myriad shades of blue are swirling together to form a whirlpool of apprehension. 

"Hey, he's my brother, I'll never let anything too horrific happen to him," He reassures.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He pauses for a moment "But I will beat his ass if he ever hurts you.".

We both quietly laugh before I release him and weave through the crowd, on the lookout for Dick. I know it must be hard, I still remember when Jason had told me about his feelings. After that night he had stayed far from me, thinking me cruel for choosing Dick. But after a few months, our relationship had begun to grow once more, flourishing into something comfortable for both of us. When I see his face I only see childhood memories. He is my most beloved, but never my lover. That's why we can talk about anything, trust so easily, love without reservation. He isn't my soulmate; he's my soul-brother.

The night is ending far quicker than I had expected it too. My bouquet of flowers is entwined between my fingers, ready to throw them behind me. My face shines with excitement as I throw the flowers above the crowd of ladies all ready for the catch. A chorus of excited screams erupts throughout the room as the women jump up and attempt to catch the airborne bouquet. When I turn around, I see Steph raising the bouquet in pride before running towards Tim, most likely to start planning their wedding. 

Dick snakes his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest. I lean against him and let the happiness soak right into my soul. I want the feeling to still be there when I am old. I close my eyes and savour the moment. This is all I could've ever asked for.

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