Such A Flirt (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Hi! First of all, in this one, I have picked out you're favourite coffee cause I can't be bothered in adding something to my basics chapter. Deal with it, I'm lazy, I know. I hear about it on the daily. Anyway, this was requested by @fiffyshadow and uses prompt 28 (A: "My God, you're such an asshole. Has anyone ever told you it's rude to flirt with your medic?" B: "What can I say, you've been inside me so many times, I'd like to return the favour." A: "Wha- dude! Picking bullets out of you isn't the same as- oh my god, you're the worst."). Ok, enjoy!



I've been told that I'm a person with uncommon gifts. One of my closest friends told me I am like a flying bird, making something so impossible for others to appear easy and natural. The "difficult" patients are often given to me by other nurses when things get too hard for them. The patients take one glance at me and their respirations ease to a more relaxed rhythm. I speak to them like they are still people, people who matter. I've never hurt anyone, never become impatient or belittle someone's pain, physical or otherwise.

I turn to the small patient sitting on the bed, my face softens into a smile and I introduce myself before asking what had brought her to the hospital. I listen to her reasons while taking her pulse, feeling her skin and pinching the nail beds of her fingers and toes. I fuss with the call-bed, tying it around the bed-frame in the girls reach and tidy around the bed. I raise the head of the bed telling the girl that breakfast is coming soon and then I leave. I wash my hands for what seems the hundredth time today then write on the folder outside the door, including the information which I gained from our conversation.

I walk to the nurse's station. In the last four hours, I have had almost no chance to sit down and rest my sore feet. This afternoon has been a blur of taking vitals, doing bed-baths and administering medications. My most elderly patient rings the call bell practically every five minutes or so and if I'm not right there in seconds the screaming begins. It seems that other patients have decided to copy the elderly patient as well, joining in the chorus of screams and waking nearly the entire ward. Officially this is my finishing time and I have already handed over my patients to another nurse, but instead of being in the nearest coffee shop with a coffee and (F/F) I am working furiously to add every detail I can recall to the medical notes of five different patients at once. I recall, as they were so fond of telling me in medical school, that it is a legal document; my notes have to be of a standard that will hold up in court should I ever be summoned. Tiredness is no excuse at all. I put the binders back on the shelf, sterilize my hands and leave the ward. I need

I guess sleeplessness is just part of being a doctor. On a good night, I can snatch a few hours of shut-eye but often there are the new admissions to deal with, leaving me with little time for self-care. After signing out I quickly get into my car and travel to the small cafe around the corner. I've always been friends with Ben which means that as soon as I walk in and our eyes meet, he's already got a coffee and some food ready for me, bringing a smile to my face.

"Bad shift?" He asks.

"You wouldn't imagine," I sigh.

I want to resist it the drink until I get home but without any conscious thought, the first milky sip creeps over my taste-buds and down my throat. After only a few minutes I am bathing in the kick of the caffeine. You could say that everyone Ben serves is the patients in his surgery as he asks about our day, our lives and welcomes the emotions that tiptoe out. I wondered how many go on to be better friends, better bosses, better parents for his care. In this cruel city, he is the safest person around and I never thank him for all that he gives. But a part of me believes that he already knows about all the good he does.

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