Couple Issues (Damian Wayne x Reader)

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Hey guys. So I started naming the chapters as you can see. Now it won't be confusing later on! Anyway, this was requested by @Juuzou1307. The prompt is number 36 (Let me sleep in your stupid t-shirts and hold your dumb hand, you piece of shit.). Hope you like it!

(Y/N) pov
Damian Wayne is my boyfriend. I mean we aren't exactly one of those cute couples that do everything together. But we are a couple, so that has to count for something. But lately, the paparazzi in Gotham decided that our relationship needed to be shared throughout the world...without our consent. Anyway, I guess that's why Damian and I are hiding in the corner at one of the most famous Wayne Galas. I sigh and check my phone for the hundredth time. One of my favourite slow dance songs started to play causing almost every couple here to get up and dance.

"Damian...I know this is gonna be a long shot but, Do you wanna dance?"

He arches his eyebrow in disapproval and shakes his head.

"Why would I want to do that beloved?" He asks.

I look away in embarrassment. Tonight felt like a huge fail altogether, all we did was just sit here and watch everyone else enjoy themselves. I bite my lip and pick at a loose strand of stitching on my dress. I decide to try one more time and hope he would say yes.


He shakes his head once again and relaxes into his seat. I watch as happy couples sway in time with each other and stare into each other's eyes lovingly. I place my hand on top of his in an attempt to show some sort of affection but he pulls it away from me. Of course, I knew why he was acting like this. It was all just an act, just an act.

Damian pov
I knew this would hurt (Y/N) but I couldn't let mother think she could use (Y/N) against me. I had to make sure mother thought (Y/N) was just another spoiled girl wanting money instead of my beautiful girlfriend. (Y/N) stands from her seat and closes her eyes for a if she were fighting off tears.

"Do you love me?" Her voice is barely a whisper.

"Of course, beloved!" I reply.

She opens her eyes and her lips tremble. This was something I never wanted to make her go through. Instead of the beautiful fire that was held in her eyes, there is only anger. A new found bravery to stand up to my horrible actions tonight.

"Then let me sleep in your stupid t-shirts and hold your dumb hand, you piece of shit!" She takes a deep breath before she continues "I never ask for anything! All you do is use me like a fucking barbie doll. When was the last time we did something together that made us both smile? Yeah, that's right never!"

I smirk and glance at one of the girls eagerly watching us, ready to pounce on me as soon as (Y/N) leaves. I have to admit (Y/N) was one of those feisty girls. I guess that's what drew me to her in the first place. But she also had the most caring and kind hearts I had ever encountered.

"Fine (L/N). I only wanted you as a girlfriend so other girls would stop bothering me. You must be stupid to think that I, Damian Wayne liked you. A poor girl with no money.".

I wave my hand in dismissal and watch as she storms out of the ballroom. I notice how her shoulders shake and how her hands move to wipe away her tears angrily. I glance at my watch to distract myself and see the gala has a few minutes until it ends. The people attending must have decided that they didn't want to watch the rest causing them to shuffle out and go their separate ways.

(Y/N) pov
The Wayne garden is beautiful. My fingers trace the stone bench that Damian and I would sit on when we wanted peace. I observe the flowers and try to memorise every detail of each plant and flower I looked at. Each has its own beautiful feature almost like humans. The music has stopped inside and the chatter of numerous people becomes louder then fade away as if the wind carried it. I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to make myself warmer but have no success due to the wind blowing at every inch of skin my dress didn't cover.

"You look beautiful my love.".

I jump a little and turn around to see Damian smirking. I giggle and nod in agreement.

"Are you gonna give me your coat or what?" I ask, smirking.

His warm jacket is immediately wrapped around my shoulders which help to clear the goosebumps on my skin. Damian then envelops me in a hug. We stay entangled in each other for about 5 minutes like we were too scared to let go almost like something horrible will happen if we do. I bury my face into his chest and take a deep breath of the cologne he is wearing. I smile due to it being the one I bought him on our 3rd anniversary.

"I love you!" I whisper into his chest.

"I have to commend you on your acting, it was very believable." He muttered into my ear.

I pull myself away from him and frown. His blue eyes held so much pain and anger but I knew it wasn't directed at me. After all his mother was a dangerous threat to our relationship if she needed to bribe Damian to do something by using me. Damian's hand cupped my face and his thumbs brushed over my cheeks.

"You would usually say 'I love you too'" I whisper.

"Yes beloved, I love you too."

He chuckles and grabs my hand and leads me to the comfort of a couch in front of the fire inside the Manor. My head rests of his chest and his hands cling to my torso tightly. As I start to drift off to sleep I hear the muffled sound of a camera. Damian whispers something about killing his brothers but remains still so I can fall asleep. I know I will have to have to thank my lucky stars for somehow allowing me to be Damian's girlfriend.

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