More Prompts!

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I'm getting a little bit bored with the earlier prompts. I'm happy if you still want me to write with them though! Here's a little bit more of a selection anyway.

1. "Yeah, so what? You hire painters, I hire assassins, what's the difference really?"
2. "Did you just catch that piece of bread with your mouth?"
3. "Not to be dramatic, but, I do think murder is the best way to deal with the situation at hand."
4. "Maybe it's because I died? Maybe that has something to do with it!"
5. "Stop looking at me like I did something wrong, I didn't."
6. "Look, maybe burning down their house wasn't called for, but they started it."
7. "How are you suppose to love other people when they are all so stupid?"
8. "Before we carry on, why are you wearing a cape?"
9. "These hands? You couldn't catch them if you tried."
10. "Wait-no! This isn't a tag team! I want justice, not to be pummeled by a person twice our size!"
11. "It's cute you think you can intimidate me."
12. "Just because I am not the one you were looking for, doesn't mean you weren't suppose to find me."
13. "This is suppose to be serious! Why are you wearing that ridiculous hat?"
14. "Pull yourself together! Let them know you are better off without them!"
15. "Can I pay one of you to kill me?"
16. "But what if you die when you're dead? Does that mean you come back to life?"
17. "When did I say pick up silly string?"
18. "I didn't know what to say, so I started talking about my vast knowledge of penguins."
19. "Well, this went the total opposite of what I wanted."
20. "For once, can you do what you are told?"
21. "Listen, we may not get along very well, but, that was actually pretty bad ass what you just did."
22. "I dunno, I just wanted to help. That's all."
23. "Hide me!"
24. A: "He tried to kill me!!"
B: "Yeah he does that."

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