Misunderstanding (Bat-Family x Reader)

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Hey guys! This was requested by @PunkMewtwo and includes prompt 33 (Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to know WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.). Hope you enjoy! I don't think I did a good job on this...sorry! But I did try. :)



The school halls are filled will students whose sole purpose is to leave the school grounds. Laughter sounds along the halls joined with excited conversations and shouts. Model worthy girls perch on the tables like exotic birds gossiping and giggling, a football fly's above their heads between two jocks in varsity jackets parading their toned muscles. Groups of high schoolers sit around the room laughing and causing all kinds of ruckus, all except one group that sit silently staring at laptop screens with massive headphones which appear to be permanently strapped to their heads. A breath of air brushes my ear; I follow the breeze and see a blue striped paper plane gracefully gliding through the air before sliding across the tiled hall to stop with its nose against the wall. The tired sigh that escapes my lips is slow as if my brain needs time to register all the activity in the halls. The straps of my bag dig deeply into my skin, a little heavy for me to carry comfortably.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" A voice calls out.

I turn around and see my science partner running to catch up to me. The boy is perfection in coffee hues; his hair and eyes are the colour of dark roasted beans but his skin is all latte. He has that shy look about him teens often get when they've grown too much too fast like they aren't really sure about being a man just yet. He is skinny, but the way his clothes hang gives away the muscle beneath them. But he is just a friend, nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey, Ethan!" I greet with a polite smile.

Dick Pov

The wind howl as the students leave through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends say their goodbyes with a hug or a playful punch while the newer students leave with relief evident on their faces. The seniors walk, tall and proud, the confidence of an adult but the looks of a teen. I wave as I spot Damian and Tim walking my way. 

"What are you doing here Grayson?" Damian asks.

"Alfred is busy so I was asked to come and pick you guys up," I reply.

"Thanks," Tim mutters.

A group of girls sit on the low wall, each of them staring in our direction. Their smiles lighting up their features in the wrong sort. They are dressed as if they are twenty or more, revealing clothes and expensive accessories. Tim, Damian and I lean against the car, waiting for (Y/N). I notice her (H/C) hair bobbing up and down as she ducks through the crowd of students, a boy beside her. She wears a bright smile on her face as she talks to the boy. Her (E/C) eyes seem to gleam, a beam of joy dashing inside of them. She takes a finger and brushes her hair aside, as she walks. Despite being around (Y/N)'s age the boy has the height of a man; which combined with the muscles of most probably a competitive swimmer and some intentionally left stubble gives him an older look.

"You guys seeing what I'm seeing?" I ask.

"If you're seeing the imbecile near (Y/N) than yes I see what you are seeing," Damian replies curtly.

I remember when she was younger, she used to hide behind us, using our bodies as a shield between her and the world. When she had to go to school and us at the gate, she held back, wanting to talk to the other kids but not knowing what to say or how to say it. As she grew older she had kept to one good friend and used her as a shield in much the same way she had with her us all those years ago. She let her friend talk in social situations and blushed furiously if a boy she was interested in had entered the same room as her, causing her to make her excuses and dash out. But seeing her with this boy brings a sense of happiness but it slowly turns into a fierce feeling of needing to protect her. 

"Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to know..." I pause before looking in (Y/N)'s direction "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!".

"Same..." Tim mumbles.

Damian and Tim attempt to hide their laughter but their attempts are futile. The boy next to her suppresses a smile. I can tell from her blush that I had embarrassed her. But hey, what are big brothers for? We stroll towards our little sister, smirking menacingly. 

(Y/N) Pov

Dick drapes his arm across my shoulders and uses me to support his body. I am mortified, frozen to the spot. I'm beginning to feel slightly traumatized. I can't believe this is happening, and in front of everybody too. I will have to leave town, cast off my identity and start off somewhere new. My blushing would have been no problem, but what I do, I go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like a hot pan. I want the earth to open up and swallow me whole. I silently wish to 'do a Daphne' and drop through a scooby-doo style trap door in the floor. The memory will probably be seared into my brain forever, ready to pop up and torment me again when I'm ever in a quiet moment.

"You wanna introduce us to your friend, little sis?" Dick asks.

"Nope," I reply quickly.

I push him off me and scribble my number on a piece of spare paper I had gotten out before I was interrupted. Each of my brother's stare at Ethan, basically taunting him to do something. I groan as they silently battle each other for dominance over the situation. But what they don't know is that I'm the one in charge today. I sigh and rub my temples in annoyance before turning my attention back to Ethan.

"Here, text me what you have in mind for our experiment and then we will decide what to do next," I explain.

"Uh, sure," Ethan replies awkwardly.

I turn on my heel and grasp onto Dick's wrist, dragging him towards the car I saw him arrive in earlier. Damian and Tim follow silently probably hoping I wouldn't yell at them for not stopping Dick. I run a hand through my hair before breaking out in laughter.

"If you guys do that again...I'm gonna kick your asses. I promise," I threaten.

"Got it," Tim replies.

"I won't question you (Y/N)." Damian nods.

"Wait, so you're not mad?" Dick asks, confusion coating his face.

"I'm furious Dick, absolutely furious." I joke.

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