Going Nuts Part Two (Bat Family x Reader)

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Hey! YAY! Another part two to a story I wrote earlier! I also would love to write any requests you guys have because I'm running out! Ahh so stressful 😉. Anyway please enjoy! I kinda feel like this is a tad bit cheesy but whatever!

(Y/N) pov
An ominous boom startled me out of my abysmal nightmare. My cheeks are wet and my body is bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets are twisted around my limbs, probably because I had been thrashing around in her sleep. My heart pounded against my chest. My body trembles violently. The room is entirely dark. No light anywhere. The remnants of my nightmare still cling to my mind, haunting me. My mind has no trouble imagining the Joker lurking in the murky darkness of my room. Another flash of lightning illuminates the room in a blinding light. I let out a frightened cry and bury my face into my pillow. Even my breaths tremble. I swallow and once again turn to see the endless darkness of my room. I can't see anything.

Fear consumes my body as if it were an endless ocean. I don't like this. My shaky breaths echo in my mind as I lay paralysed by my own fear. I am safe, I am protected from the madman that tried to take my life. I numbly stumble to the bathroom, with each step my stomach tightens and aches all the more. I keep swallowing, and my throat keeps clenching, but no matter what I can't stop the warm feeling rising through my chest. I can taste it at the back of my mouth. I buckle over and gag.

I sob into my hands and tears drip between my fingers, raining down onto the cold, tile ground beneath me. My breathing is ragged, gasping as I am quickly overwhelmed by the rising emotions. I can't help the noises escaping my lips as I continue to cry. Lound pounding footsteps overtake my hearing and the darkness that once surrounded me is corrupted by the lights being turned on. The lights emit the kind of brightness that sears into your retinas making you close them for fear of going blind. My eyes are shut tightly and I can feel the decorative tiles beneath me digging into my skin.

I can't hear the words being yelled by my brothers but they could only be curse words due to the taut tones of their voices. The muted words sound strangely melodic to my terrified mind. Unaware of my heart beating or the rise and fall of my chest, I drift into a semi-consciousness. The faces of my worried family appear in my clouded vision. Dick cradles my body while running his hand up and down my arm soothingly. My eyes search their faces for the sense of familiarity to pull myself back together. My body is able to recover and I have my normal senses working allowing me to hear their voices, each expressing their worry.

"(Y/N), what happened?" Tim asks softly.

"What's going on kid?" Jason asks, worry in his eyes.

"(Y/N)! Tell us what is wrong!" Damian demands.

I take a shaky breath and wipe the tears that had once fallen from my eyes. A false smile decorates my face causing the boys to frown even more. They had noticed. I thought that life would be easier that way since I was kidnapped. To show others happiness, smile pretty and say the right things, make them believe I am better instead of worse. But it's only made my life harder.

"I just don't like storms. Don't worry about it." I say.

"Bullshit. If it's got you this worked up, it's more than the fucking storm." Jason responds.

"Tell us the truth (Y/N)." Tim encourages.

"I've been getting terrible nightmares and stuff since, well you know..." I mutter.

Pity. Each of their faces shows it and I hate it. Anger boils deep in my system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and I know it's too much for me to handle right now. The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force me to say things I do not mean, or to express thoughts I've suppressed for weeks. I know I have to get out everyone's way before I erupt. I know that this feeling will pass, but while it hasn't, I'm well aware I may do things I will regret. So I get up and run. I bolt out of my brother's sights, jamming earbuds into my ears as soon as I am in my room. It's going to be a long night. Music pours out, sounding like the most beautiful noise I'd ever heard. I turn it up, shutting out the world around me and I just... Let go. Of everything.

I allow the darkness I had once felt swallow me whole for a little while, but my music felt like it was flowing through my veins, calming me from head to toe. I slowly emerge from the anger I possessed. Having the anger dissipate in me feels nice, and I feel calmer than I had before, I feel free. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling above me. What is wrong with me? Another wave of tears flow from my eyes and that small amount of freedom I once had is now completely gone. I try to control it but I know I'm too far gone. From the corner of my eye, I notice a familiar tuft of white hair. I harshly wipe away the tears in an attempt to hide them and pull the headphones from my ears.

"I know I don't do this much but if you need to talk. I'm here for you." Jason says.

"Jay, I can't. You wouldn't......" I start to say,

"Understand? Yes, I do. I was put in a very similar position when I was your age. But it was a little bit more fucked up." Jason chuckles.

He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. We never talked these days, he was always busy and I didn't bother. Talking again is nice.

"I know. You remind us every day. But I see the bastard everywhere I look." I mutter.

"It's hard to deal with at the start. But it gets better, you find ways to deal with it. Just don't follow in my footsteps, ok?" Jason replies.

I nod and giggle. The noise that burst forth was like a cross between a snort and a drunken laugh. After a few minuets, the others finally dared to show their faces. It's going to be hard but I will show the Joker that I am stronger than he is. Because I am never alone. I have family who is determined to help me every step of the way. This doesn't define who I am...it never will.

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